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Generate the user interface for the business process

Because Lotus® Forms is used in the business process, you will generate a Lotus Forms UI client for the process. It is possible to generate separate clients with different URLs for each human task in the process, however in this tutorial you will generate one client for all human tasks. In a production environment, access is typically based on roles and only authorized users can access specific tasks. For simplicity, all roles can access the human tasks in this tutorial.

Generate the Lotus Forms client for the process by completing the following steps:

  1. Switch to the Business Integration view.
  2. Right-click on ClipsAndTacksF1 and select Generate User Interfaces.
  3. Select IBM Lotus Forms client as the Generator type and click Next.
    User Interface Wizard for Human Tasks
  4. Name the dynamic Web project ClipsAndTacksUI. For Style, select IBM Style and click Finish.
    User Interface Wizard for Human Tasks
  5. On the Client generation completed message, click OK.
    Client generation completed message box
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