%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
// Initialize the variables which we will display on this page
String myPIID = (String) request.getParameter("PIID"); // passed in URL as "...?PIID=_PI:..."
String myInternalPIID = myPIID; // will be refreshed later
String myExecutionState = null;
String myInput = "";
String myOutput = "(not available yet)";
String myOutputVarForDisplay = "";
boolean doRefresh = false;
boolean piidExists;
// get the process instance
com.ibm.www.GetProcessInstance myGetProcessInstanceParms = new com.ibm.www.GetProcessInstance();
com.ibm.www.GetProcessInstanceResponse myGetProcessInstanceResponse = null;
try {
// here, as PIID the process instance name may be used;
// when starting a process using BPC explorer, user may choose this;
// otherwise this is the _PI:... name.
myGetProcessInstanceResponse = MyBFMAccess.getProcessInstance(myGetProcessInstanceParms);
piidExists = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Process instance "+myPIID+" does not exist.");
piidExists = false;
if (piidExists) {
try {
// get hold of the process instance object
myProcessInstance = myGetProcessInstanceResponse.getProcessInstance();
// get internal PIID which is required for retrieving the messages
myInternalPIID = myProcessInstance.getPiid();
// prepare to query input message
myGetInputMessageForPIParms = new com.ibm.www.GetInputMessageForProcessInstance();
com.ibm.www.GetInputMessageForProcessInstanceResponse myGetInputMessageForPIResponse = null;
// get the input message and concatenate some values
myGetInputMessageForPIResponse = MyBFMAccess.getInputMessageForProcessInstance(myGetInputMessageForPIParms);
SOAPElement myInputMessage = myGetInputMessageForPIResponse.get_any();
org.w3c.dom.Node tmpNode;
tmpNode = myInputMessage.getElementsByTagName("firstName").item(0);
if (tmpNode!=null && tmpNode.getFirstChild()!=null) myInput = tmpNode.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
tmpNode = myInputMessage.getElementsByTagName("lastName").item(0);
if (tmpNode!=null && tmpNode.getFirstChild()!=null) myInput += " "+tmpNode.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
tmpNode = myInputMessage.getElementsByTagName("city").item(0);
if (tmpNode!=null && tmpNode.getFirstChild()!=null) myInput += ", "+tmpNode.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
// get the execution state
myExecutionState = myProcessInstance.getExecutionState();
if (myExecutionState.equals("STATE_RUNNING")) {
// still in running state, try again in a moment
doRefresh = true;
} else if (myExecutionState.equals("STATE_FINISHED")) {
// done, get the output message
com.ibm.www.GetOutputMessageForProcessInstance myGetOutputMessageParms = new com.ibm.www.GetOutputMessageForProcessInstance();
com.ibm.www.GetOutputMessageForProcessInstanceResponse myGetOutputMessageResponse = null;
myGetOutputMessageResponse = MyBFMAccess.getOutputMessageForProcessInstance(myGetOutputMessageParms);
if (myGetOutputMessageResponse != null) {
SOAPElement myOutputMessage = myGetOutputMessageResponse.get_any();
String myOutputVar = myOutputMessage.getFirstChild().getNodeName();
myOutputVarForDisplay = " (" + myOutputVar + ")";
tmpNode = myOutputMessage.getElementsByTagName(myOutputVar).item(0);
if (tmpNode!=null && tmpNode.getFirstChild()!=null) {
myOutput = tmpNode.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
} else {
myOutput = "[not set]";
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error while doing call: "+e);
} // end if
<% if (doRefresh) { %>
<% } // end if %>
Web Service API - Sample
<% if (!piidExists) { %>
Process instance <%=myPIID%> does not exist.
<% } else { %>