
Throughout this document - even we have a single process engine with version 7.5 - we sometimes use the former product names, features, or capabilities when we talk about the interaction of both engines for better understanding by readers having worked with the one or other system.

This sample illustrates the use of federation in Business Space. It outlines the required steps during development and configuration of these queries used to access and work on tasks managed by the Process Server Engine:

  1. the settings in the BPEL - as well as BPD processes to display business data in the Task List.
  2. the specification of the queries against the the BPEL - and BPMN engine to obtain the required task information, including filtering for certain criteria.
  3. the configuration of a Space to make use of these queries in a federated environment.

The infrastructure is based on Business Space and the BPM Process Server. Business Space is configured to use the federated REST APIs. The process application used includes human tasks managed by the BPMN engine with a Coach and by the BPEL engine / Human Task Manager with a Dojo form.

The restricted query for human tasks part of the BPD is called a shared Saved Search. It is created in the Process Portal. The corresponding query of human tasks managed by the BPEL engine is created in the Query Table Builder, a support pack used in conjunction with of the IBM Integration Developer (IID). Such a query definition is called a Query Table.


Overview of Federation

The diagram below shows major concepts for Business Space and federation and tries to outline what is developed in this sample.

Federating BPEL processes and human tasks

For BPEL processes and human tasks, you create query tables in the Query Table Builder tool. To obtain a federated list, you deploy the same query table on each deployment target in the federation domain. When you create a query table in Query Table Builder, make sure that the following conditions apply:

Federating BPD processes and Human services

For BPD processes and Human Services, you create and share saved searches in Process Portal. To obtain a federated list, you create the corresponding saved search on each deployment target in the federation domain. Make sure that the following conditions apply:

Default saved searches named IBM.DEFAULTALLTASKSLIST_75 and IBM.DEFAULTALLPROCESSLIST_75, referred to as All in Business Space, are provided in every deployment target configuration for BPD processes and tasks. They include standard properties, but no modeled business data.

Federating BPD and BPEL processes and tasks

To obtain a federated list of BPD and BPEL processes and tasks, you need to consider some conventions that are required to match the concepts of query tables and saved searches.

The query table and saved search names must be the same, and must adhere to the following rules:

The query table and saved search must be of the same kind, either task or process.

Business Scenario

The federated Business Space sample uses a business scenario about an internal replenishment order process. The process applies to the manufacturing or retail industry. When the stock for any goods falls beneath a given limit an internal order is automatically triggered. The corresponding BPEL process and its activities are shown and explained in the diagram below. As part of the activity Approve Replenishment Order the BPEL process invokes a Business Process Definition (BPD) with a human task and coaches to request approval by an authorized user. The approval task needs to be performed in a given time. Otherwise the activity expires, the approval status is set to true, and processing completes. The BPEL process completes with an inline human task so during the course of the development and testing you can see human tasks managed by the BPMN as well as BPEL process engine.

business scenario


This sample outlines federating BPD human services with BPEL humans tasks as well as federating common attributes. The concepts on these federations are part of  series of developerWorks articles. Specially Part 3 is relevant to this samples and provides additional details.
The sample is based on a procurement scenario for stock replenishment that was build to demonstrate the STP integration where BPEL process invokes a BPD. See Procurement sample: calling a BPD from a BPEL process.