This section describes how to build the integrated scenario based on an existing BPEL replenishment process.
The interaction of the Integration Specialist using IID and the
Process Modeler using IPD in more detail is shown in the diagram below.
The numbers will correspond to the steps in this “Build it yourself”
1. Import and familiarize yourself with
the BPEL process in the IID
Import the initial application artifacts to build the sample.
a. Import Project Interchange file
the initial projects to build the scenario yourself, namely the,
the web project named,
and the
Save them it to a temporary directory.
Download the Procurement_Sample_BPELProcess_FormsEarFile.ear.
Make sure that the type of the saved file in the file system is ".ear".
Start the IBM Integration Designer
The IID, for a given workspace, opens in the Business Integration
Select File > Import or right-click on the project
tree and select Import.
Press Finish. Wait until the import and building workspace has completed.
You might be prompted that the workspace needs to be migrated. If
confirm the corresponding steps with Next, Finish, and OK.
Repeat the same import step. Select the with the web application including an invocation task. Wait until the import and build has completed.
Repeat the same import
step. Select and the with the forms
Following resources have been imported.
b. Familiarize yourself with the
assembly diagram
Expand the Procurement_Sample_BPELProcess_Module folder.
Double-click the Assembly Diagram.
The diagram shows the BPEL process wired to four Java Implementation
Services. This process can be initiated by an invocation task.
c. Familiarize yourself with the
BPEL process
Double-click the ReplenishmentBPEL process. The BPEL
editor opens.
The BPEL process includes four Invoke activities as explained in the
Business Scenario description.
Within the BPEL process a single business object ReplenishOrderBO and following interfaces are provided.
d. Install and start the Web Application
Web projects are not "lifecycle aware". So if you want
snapshots of a Process Application to contain the same Web Project
you'll need to use a single separately deployed Web App. This is
directly deployed as a J2EE web application and, shared across the
Process Application snapshots.
Open your preferred internet browser and enter the url for the
Administrative Console:
The login window opens. Enter the userid tw_admin and
password tw_admin. Press Log in.
Start the Web Application
The Procurement_Sample_BPELProcess_FormsEAR.ear was
installed but not automatically started. Navigate to Applications
> Application Types > Business Level Applications.
Select the flag for the FormsEAR application.
2. Create a new empty process application in the IID Process Center perspective
In WebSphere Integration Developer (WID) artifacts related to a
were part of a Module stored in a workspace on the Integration
Specialists computer. In Business Process Manager a process application
represents the project to store all artifacts created later on in IPD
and IID. This process application is centrally stored in the process
center repository and accessible by multiple users concurrently.
In this step you create a new process application as a
container for storage, deployment, and versioning of your application.
Notice that during the development in IID artifacts are still stored in
a workspace, but have to be retrieved, uploaded or synchronized with
the process application.
a. Switch from the Business
Integration perspective to the Process Center perspective
The Process Center perspective is a new perspective introduced with
the IBM Business Process Manager.
b. Connect and login to the Process
For the Process Center Connection Details enter http://localhost:9080/ProcessCenter
or your server name and port. For userid enter tw_admin,
for password enter
c. Create a new process application
Press + Create New Process App.
d. Open in workspace
Select the newly created process application. Click Open in
workspace to open the process application in your workspace.
e. Familiarize yourself with the structure of the
process application in detailed mode.
Click the twisty to Switch between Simple or Advanced Mode.
See the ProcessApplicationName_Implementation and ProcessApplicationName_Library
folders created by default. All folders are currently empty.
3. Associate the BPEL process with the process application within IID
In this step you move the imported module with the BPEL process
the process application.
a. Associate application with a
process application
Associate your imported / existing application (Module)
including the
BPEL process with the process application. Right-click on Procurement_Sample_BPELProcess_Module.
Press Associate with Process Center.
b. Select process application to
connect with, here Procurement_Sample_Test1
Press Next. The Confirm Changes window opens.
4. Move and refactor the business object to the
library folder of the process application
a. Initialize refactoring of the
business objects
Right-click the ReplenishOrderBO that came
with the provided Procurement_Sample_BPELProcess_Module. Select Refactor
or Analyze Impact > Move … .
5. Refresh and publish the process application and test BPEL process in isolation
The BPEL process, imbedded to a process application, is saved in
Process Center as central repository. With the Refresh and Publish
action the process also becomes deployed to the Playback Server.
To simulate the process instantiation
trigger indicating that the stock has been fallen below its limit you
will use the BPEL Process Choreographer Explorer to start an instance.
Please notice that in IID you work with your local workspace.
with the new approach and the central repository you shouldn’t forget
to synchronize to (Refresh and Publish) and synchronize from (Refresh
from Process Center) as you go along.
a. Publish modified process
Right-click the process application [changed]
Procurement_Sample_BPEL_Test1 Main and press Refresh
and Publish.
b. Verify the deployed snapshot in
the Admin Console
Start the Admin Console via the IID Server Properties window as shown
below or directly via your preferred Internet Browser using
c. Verify BPEL process via BPEL
Process Choreographer Explorer
Launch the BPEL Process Choreographer Explorer, former BPC Explorer.
Open your internet browser and enter http://localhost:9080/bpc
or right-click on your server and press Launch > BPEL
Process Choreographer Explorer.
d. Logon with userid = tw_admin
and password = tw_admin.
The BPEL Process Choreographer Explorer opens.
In the navigation tree select Process Templates >
Currently Valid.
Flag the process template ReplenishmentBPEL and press Start
e. Enter the Process Input Message
Process Name = Replenish_Test_111
orderID = OID_111
partNumber = PN_111
Quantity, orderAmount, etc. don’t have to be provided.
f. Follow the status of the process instance accessing the instance via Process Instances > Started by me
g. Testing using the WebSphere Test
Environment (WTE) - (optional step)
Another way to test the BPEL process using the WTE.
Right-click the process application Procurement_Sample_Test1. In case
in infront of this you see the term [changed] you first have to Refresh
and Publish to the Process Center repository.
Select Test > Test Process Application.
6. Create the BPD using the IPD
In this step you create the business process definition, i.e. the process with a human task in it, from scratch. You only use the mutually shared business object that will be passed from the BPEL Invoke activity when it calls this BPD at execution time.
a. Start the IBM
Process Designer (IPD) 7.5.
Logon with userid = tw_admin and password
= tw_admin.
The Process Designer opens in the Process Apps view.
Select the process application Procurement_Sample_Test1. Press
Open in Designer.
b. Create a snapshot
Snapshots record the state of library items within a process
application or track at a specific point in time. Create a snapshot to
save the current state of your process application.
Stay in the Designer view of the IPD. Press the Snapshot icon.
c. Access Data catalog
Click on Data catalog to see the business
object ReplenishOrderBO that was taken over from the
Procurement_Sample_Test1_Library library.
d. Create a new Business
Process Definition
Click the Process catalog. Select the + sign for the
highlighted catalog. Chose Processes > Business Process
e.Specify Variables
Select the Variables tab and press Add Input.
f. Specify data that can be used for
Select the Variables tab. Under Variables
> Input expand ReplenishOrderData and select ordered
Under Business Data Search flag that the orderID will
become Available in Search. This provides for ordered
to be used as search element in the WLE Portal or in Business Space.
Do the same for Expose business data to specify the users authorized to see business data.
h. Model the human activity
Select the Diagram tab. Select the Activity
node from the palette, drag & drop it on the canvas into theParticipant
lane. Select the Sequence Flow symbol and connect
the Start with the Activity as well
as the Activity with the End nodes.
i. Specify the human task
If human task services would be available already in your catalog or
toolkit you could select them via Properties > Implementation >
Service (task) > Select or even drag and drop it from the navigator
to the canvas.
Here we need to specify it via right-click on the activity and select Activity
wizard …
j. Specify human task details
Double-click the human activity on BPD level. The Diagram
for the internals of the human task is opened. Change the name of the
coach from Coach to Approve within the Node or under
Properties > Step > Common > Name.
k. Specify the form
Double-click the Approve Coach or click the Coaches
tab on top. The coach with the generated form opens. This form will be
used in the Runtime Client called Process Portal at execution time.
7. Test the BPD in isolation using the Inspector
The person acting as Business Author or Process Designer has the possibility to test the BPD on its own.
a. Select the ReplenishmentBPD process via the drop-down list in the Designer > Diagram view.
b. Press Run the Process.
c. Select the task ApproveReplenishmentOrder and press Runs the selected.
d. Press Ok on the form without the need to enter any values.
8. Update the BPEL process to use the interface of the BPD
The BPD created in IPD can be used as an SCA service. It could be
dropped into the BPEL process and would become an Invoke activity with
associated reference partner. It also can be dropped into Assembly
Diagram as an SCA Import for the service provided through the WLE BPD.
We do the later one in this step as the current
ApproveReplenishmentOrder activity is already extended and enhanced by
its Exception Handler which we don’t want to touch.
If we wouldn’t change the initial
interface ApproveReplenishmentOrder_IF we would have to add Mediation
with an interface - and BO map to the assembly diagram.
a. Return to the IID in the Business
Integration perspective.
Open the Procurement_Sample_Test1_Library which holds the
objects refactored in a preceding step, while the Interfaces folder is
b. Right-click the process application, select and double-click Refresh from Process Center.
c. Change the interface of the
Reference Partner for the ApproveReplenishmentOrder activity
i.e. replace by ReplenishmentBPD interface
Under Procurement_Sample_BPELProcess_Module expand the Integration
Logic > BPEL Processes folder and open the ReplenishmentBPEL
Under Reference Partners select the ApproveReplenishmentOrder_IF
used in the initial workspace and testing.
Under Properties > Description you find the Name and
Reference interfaces. Click Browse.
The Interface Selection window opens.
Select the ReplenishmentBPD interface of your developed BPD
process. Click OK.
d. Re-specify input and output variables and replacement variable
Select the ApproveReplenishmentOrder Invoke activity in
the BPEL process diagram which currently indicates an error.
Under Properties > Details the interface was replaced by
The Operation name is empty. Expand the drop down list and
select the available option invoke.
This will take off the variables ReplenishOrder.
Select under Inputs none under Read from Variable.
A selection window opens. Select ReplenishOrder.
Repeat this for Outputs. Select under Outputs none under Store
into Variable. A selection window opens. Select ReplenishOrder.
Select Default message and ReplenishmentOrderData > orderID.
9. Update the assembly diagram with a SCA Import for the BPD invocation
In this step we replace the current Java SCA component for the ApproveReplenishmentOrder. Instead we drop the BPD onto the assembly diagram. It will become a SCA Import calling the BPD and needs to be wired with the updated BPEL process.
a. Drop the ReplenishmentBPD process
(SCA Service) onto Assembly Daigram
Expand the Procurement_Sample_BPEL_Process_Module. Double-click the
Assembly diagram to open it.
Drag and drop the ReplenishmentBPD onto the assembly diagram.
b. Replace current Java
implementation with the new BPD service
Right-click the existing Java SCA component ApproveReplenishmentOrder_Service.
Press Delete.
c. Synchronize from Implementation
The ReplenishmentBPEL process still holds internally the
ApproveReplenishmentOrder_IF as reference partner.
Right-click on the ReplenishmentBPEL process. Select
Synchronize References and Interfaces … > from Implementation.
d. Wire the ReplenishBPD Import
Right-click the ReplenismenthBPEL process
component. Select Wire to Existing.
e. Refresh and Publish the process application
again and test entire process application
The changes you made to the assembly diagram, the BPEL process
project in general are not yet saved on the Process Center repository.
Right-click the [changed]Procurement_Sample_Test1 process
application. Press Refresh and Publish the process application
and re-deploy it at the same time as a Tip to the Playback Server.
f. Create and activate a new snapshot
Switch to the Process Center perspective in
g. Verify re-deployed application in the WAS Admin Console
You might be prompted about the website's security certificate. Press Continue.
Enter userid tw_admin and password tw_admin. Press Login.
Note: Top-down approach – for information purposes only
The STP top-down approach starts with the development of the BPD
Business Analyst followed by the development of the BPEL process from
scratch. i.e., we start a WLE process application in the IPD. The
creates the interface for the BPD which subsequently is used within the
BPEL process that is directly created as part of the process
A process application with a BPD exists.
The steps to follow are:
a. Refresh from Process Center in the IID
b. Create a new BPEL process
c. Drop the BPD into the BPEL process which becomes an Invoke with
related reference partner.