Run the sample

Running the sample is the same as testing the sample on the Playback Server at the end of the Build it yourself section. In case you just want to run the sample without building it yourself you will need to import two twx file and execute them via the enduser clients. You can do this for starting the request via the BPEL Business Process Choreographer and for executing the Web Service Provider in form of a Business Process Definition (BPD) using the portal. Alternatively you could do this using the federated Business Space.

1. Download and import provided final Process Apps

a. Download projects
Download the two twx files to a temporary directory.
  1. Service Provider - BPD with inbound outbound web service:
    Internal_Order_Approval_App-Internal_Order_Approval_App_SS3.twx and
  2. Service Requester - BPEL process with Invoke and Receive / Export:
    Procurement Sample BPEL process wrapped within a Process App  Procurement_Sample_IOA_BPEL-Procurement_Sample_IOA_BPEL_SS5.twx.

b. Import projects
  1. Start the Process Center using http://localost:9080/ProcessCenter/ with userid = twadmin and password = tw_admin or use the Process Center Perspective in Process Designer or Integration Designer. Select Import Process App.
  2. Double-click the Internal Order Approval Application (IOAAPP) and Activate the snapshot.
  3. Double-click the Procurement Sample IOA BPEL (IOABPEL and Activate the snapshot.

c. Familiarize with Process
  1. Understand the BPEL process acting as service requester based on Familiarize with the BPEL Process.
  2. Understand the inbound part described in Creating the Inbound Web Service.
  3. Understand the outbound part described in Create and integrate outbound web service integration.

2. Execute the sample

The final testing of the solution near the end of the Build it yourself section describes in detail how execute the inbound and outbound integration. See  Test the entire solution to run the sample. In short you

  1. Logon to the BPEL Business Process Choreographer
  2. Start a process instance from Process Templates > Currently Valid
  3. Verify process instance state via Process Instances > Started Be Me > View Process State
  4. Logon to Portal
  5. Start IOA Task
  6. Complete BPEL process

Alternatively to the BPEL BPC Explorer and Portal you can use Business Space. See Run the Procurement Process SCA Sample for reference.

Congratulations. You have successfully completed this sample !!!