The installation procedure loads templates for two configuration files in the etc subdirectory of the INFORMIXDIR directory: onconfig.std and onconfig.xps. For a listing of both files, see the appendix on database server files in the IBM Informix: Administrator's Reference. For more information on the configuration parameters listed in onconfig.std and onconfig.xps, refer to Configuration Parameters.
To determine the template to use for your configuration file:
Make a copy of the appropriate template file and set the ONCONFIG environment variable to refer to your copy.
For the default values contained in the onconfig.std, refer to the configuration parameter chapter in the IBM Informix: Administrator's Reference. For information on the order of files that the database server checks for configuration values, refer to Process Configuration File.
To prepare the ONCONFIG file, use a text editor and complete the following steps:
Store the new file in the same directory as the template. You can give your new configuration file any name that meets the requirements of your operating system.