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Global Configuration Parameters

You specify the global configuration parameters only in the global section to apply to all of the coservers in your database server system. The database server uses the parameter value in the global section as the default value for the parameter on every coserver. For more information on specific parameters, see Configuration Parameters.

For the initial configuration of the database server, you can leave most of the global parameters set to their default values. You must review and change, if necessary, parameters for the following items:

You can specify the following configuration parameters in both the global and coserver-specific section:

It is recommended that you use the global configuration parameters ROOTSLICE and PHYSSLICE rather than coserver-specific ROOTNAME and PHYSDBS values because the global parameters are easier to define and manage. Override the values of global parameters coserver-specific section only if necessary.

Root and Log Dbspaces on Multiple Coservers

Extended Parallel Server uses the ROOTSLICE and PHYSSLICE configuration parameters to configure root and physical log dbspaces across a large number of coservers. Specify these parameters only once in the global section of the configuration file rather than once for each coserver that you define.

Using Formatting Characters with ROOTPATH and MIRRORPATH

You can use embedded formatting characters in the ROOTPATH and MIRRORPATH configuration parameters to generate uniform chunk names for root and log dbspaces across a large number of coservers.

The pathname specification with the embedded formatting characters is referred to as a pathname-format. You can embed the following formatting characters in a pathname-format:

is a formatting string that is replaced with the coserver-number of the coserver on which a dbspace is to be created. The coserver-number is the value that you specified in the COSERVER configuration parameter for this coserver. If the number is less than 10, the number does not have a leading zero because it is handled as a character rather than an integer.
is a formatting string that is replaced with the host name of the node for the coserver on which a dbspace is to be created. The host name is the value that you specified in the NODE configuration parameter for this coserver.
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