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Single Coservers on Each Node of a Multiple-Node Platform

This configuration is best suited to parallel-processing platforms composed of nodes that:

For ease of administration, it is recommended that you use the same hardware configuration for all Extended Parallel Server nodes.

The use of multiple nodes allows the workload to be distributed across a high-speed interconnect, network, or bus (in the case of a partitioned SMP computer). Communication is not limited to client connections.

Each coserver requires a coserver-specific section in the ONCONFIG file. Each node requires an entry in the sqlhosts connectivity file and an entry in the operating system hosts network file. For more information, refer to Network-Configuration Files.

Multiple coservers allow parallel processing between the nodes to provide parallelism across coservers. To calculate the number of CPUs available to the database server, you can multiply NUMCPUVPS by the number of COSERVER parameters listed in the ONCONFIG file.

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