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Removing Specific-Purpose Coservers

If you no longer need specific-purpose coservers or if you want to return them full time to their usual tasks, remove them completely from the database server configuration.

You must remove the highest numbered coserver before you remove the next lower-numbered coserver.

You might also remove specific-purpose coservers if you want to add a fully capable coserver to the database server. Because you must remove coservers starting with the highest numbered coserver and because you cannot remove a fully capable coserver, you remove all specific-purpose coservers before you add a fully capable coserver. After you add the fully capable coserver, it is easy to reconfigure the special-purpose coservers if you still need them.

Deleting a Specific-Purpose Coserver
  1. Shut down the database server in two stages:
    1. Bring the database server to quiescent mode.
    2. Shut down the database server completely.
  2. Edit the ONCONFIG file and remove the coserver configuration section for each coserver to be removed.
  3. Bring the database server up in quiescent mode.

    If you start the database server without first going through quiescent mode, the system fails.

    A warning message appears in the message log to state that the number of coservers does not match.

  4. Delete the coservers that you removed from the ONCONFIG file:
    onutil delete coserver coserver_number 

    You must delete the highest number coservers first. You cannot delete fully capable coservers except when the operation of adding the fully capable coserver has just failed.

  5. Bring the database server from quiescent to online mode for all remaining coservers.

To delete a specific-purpose coserver, edit the ONCONFIG file and remove the configuration section for the coserver. Then bring the database server online in quiescent mode and use the onutil DELETE COSERVER coserver_name command to delete the specific-purpose coserver.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramDeleting a Specific-Purpose Coserver ::


Element Purpose Restrictions Syntax
coserver_number Identifies the coserver number Must be specified in COSERVER parameter in ONCONFIG file. Must be a positive integer.
You must delete coservers starting with the highest numbered coserver. For example, if you configured coserver 7, coserver 8, and coserver 9 as specific-purpose coservers, you must delete these coservers starting with coserver 9. You cannot delete a fully capable coserver unless the process of adding the coserver fails. For this reason, specific-purpose coservers should be the highest numbered coservers in the database server configuration.

For example, to delete coserver 4, enter the following command:


If a specific-purpose coserver fails because of a hardware error, for example, you only need to remove the specific-purpose coserver definition from the ONCONFIG file and restart the database server.

To remove a failed specific-purpose coserver
  1. Shut down the database server if it is not already shut down:
    xctl onmode -ky
  2. Edit the ONCONFIG file and remove the coserver configuration section for the failed coserver.
  3. Bring the database server up in online mode.

    If the removed specific-purpose coserver is not the highest numbered coserver, the database server automatically renumbers the remaining specific-purpose coservers.

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