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DBSERVERNAME Configuration Parameter

The DBSERVERNAME configuration parameter specifies a name, called the dbservername, for the database server. The maximum length of DBSERVERNAME is 128 characters. For example, to assign the value nyc_research to dbservername, use the following line in the ONCONFIG configuration file:

DBSERVERNAME nyc_research

When a client application connects to a database server, it must specify a dbservername. The sqlhosts information that is associated with the specified dbservername describes the type of connection that should be made.

The database server can use the coserver name, which is formed by concatenating the dbservername with the coserver number, as the key to the sqlhosts file. In this case, the sqlhosts information identifies the location of the connection coserver and the communication method that the client must use.

Client applications specify the name of the database server in one of the following places:

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