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Adding Virtual Processors in Online Mode

While the database server is in online mode, you can start additional virtual processors for the following classes: CPU, AIO, PIO, LIO, SHM, STR, TLI, and SOC.

To start these additional virtual processors, use the -p option of the onmode utility.

You can start additional virtual processors for FIF class to process high-performance loads and unloads through a FIFO (first-in-first-out) data file. FIFO files are often referred to as named pipes. For more information on using named pipes to load and unload tables, refer to the chapter on loading with external tables in the IBM Informix: Administrator's Reference.

Adding Virtual Processors in Online Mode with onmode

Use the -p option of the onmode command to add virtual processors while the database server is in online mode. Specify the number of virtual processors that you want to add with a positive number that is greater than the number of virtual processors that are currently running. As an option, you can precede the number of virtual processors with a plus sign (+). Following the number, specify the virtual processor class in lowercase letters. For example, either of the following commands starts four additional virtual processors in the AIO class:

% onmode -p 4 aio

% onmode -p +4 aio

The onmode utility starts the additional virtual processors immediately.

You can add virtual processors to only one class at a time. To add virtual processors for another class, you must run onmode again.

You cannot add a CPU virtual processor with onmode -p.

Adding Network Virtual Processors

When you add network virtual processors, you are adding poll threads, each of which requires its own virtual processor to run. If you attempt to add poll threads for a protocol while the database server is in online mode, and you have specified in the NETTYPE parameter that the poll threads run in the CPU class, the database server does not start the new poll threads if no CPU virtual processors are available to run them.

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