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Describing Flushing Activity

To provide you with information about the specific condition that prompted buffer-flushing activity, the database server defines three types of writes and counts how often each write occurs:

To display the write counts that the database server maintains, use onstat -F as described in the utilities chapter of the IBM Informix: Administrator's Reference.

If you implement mirroring for the database server, data is always written to the primary chunk first. The write is then repeated on the mirror chunk. Writes to a mirror chunk are included in the counts. For more information on monitoring the types of writes that the database server performs, refer to Monitoring Buffer-Pool Activity.

Foreground Write

Whenever an sqlexec thread writes a buffer to disk, it is termed a foreground write. A foreground write occurs when an sqlexec thread searches through the LRU queues on behalf of a user but cannot locate an empty or unmodified buffer. To make space, the sqlexec thread flushes pages, one at a time, to hold the data to be read from disk. (For more information, refer to LRU Queues.)

If the sqlexec thread must perform buffer flushing just to acquire a shared-memory buffer, performance can suffer. Foreground writes should be avoided. To display a count of the number of foreground writes, run onstat -F. If you find that foreground writes are occurring on a regular basis, tune the value of the page-cleaning parameters. Either increase the number of page cleaners or decrease the value of LRU_MAX_DIRTY.

LRU Write

Unlike foreground writes, LRU writes are performed by page cleaners rather than by sqlexec threads. The database server performs LRU writes as background writes that typically occur when the percentage of dirty buffers exceeds the percent you that specified in the LRU_MAX_DIRTY configuration parameter.

In addition, a foreground write can trigger an LRU write. When a foreground write occurs, the sqlexec thread that performed the write alerts a page-cleaner to wake up and clean the LRU for which it performed the foreground write.

In a properly tuned system, page cleaners ensure that enough unmodified buffer pages are available for storing pages to be read from disk. Thus, sqlexec threads that perform a query do not need to flush a page to disk before they read in the disk pages required by the query. This condition can result in significant performance gains for queries that do not make use of foreground writes.

LRU writes are preferred over foreground writes because page-cleaner threads perform buffer writes much more efficiently than sqlexec threads do. To monitor both types of writes, use onstat -F.

Chunk Write

Chunk writes are commonly performed by page-cleaner threads during a checkpoint or, possibly, when every page in the shared-memory buffer pool is modified. Chunk writes, which are performed as sorted writes, are the most efficient writes available to the database server.

During a chunk write, each page-cleaner thread is assigned to one or more chunks. Each page-cleaner thread reads through the buffer headers and creates an array of pointers to pages that are associated with its specific chunk. (The page cleaners have access to this information because the chunk number is contained within the physical page number address, which is part of the page header.) This sorting minimizes head movement (disk seek time) on the disk and enables the page-cleaner threads to use the big buffers during the write, if possible.

In addition, because user threads must wait for the checkpoint to complete, the page-cleaner threads are not competing with a large number of threads for CPU time. As a result, the page-cleaner threads can finish their work with less context switching.

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