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Creating a Dbspace

This section explains how to create a standard dbspace and a temporary dbspace. See Dbspaces and Temporary Dbspaces.

You can use onutil to create a dbspace.

Before you create a dbspace, you must first allocate disk space as described in Allocating Disk Space.

You must be logged in as user informix or root to create a dbspace.

If you are creating a standard dbspace, the database server can be in on-line mode. The newly added dbspace (and its mirror, if one exists) is available immediately.

If you are using mirroring, you can mirror the dbspace when you create it. Mirroring takes effect immediately.

When the initial chunk of the dbspace that you are creating is a cooked file, the database server verifies that the disk space is sufficient for the initial chunk. If the size of the chunk is greater than the available space on the disk, a message is displayed, and no dbspace is created. However, the cooked file that the database server created for the initial chunk is not removed. Its size represents the space left on your file system before you created the dbspace. Remove this file to reclaim the space.

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