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Creating Dbslices

You can create dbslices with the database server in online or quiescent mode.

To obtain the maximum performance benefit from multiple coservers, It is recommended that you fragment all tables, except very small tables, across all available coservers. Dbslices allow you to manage a set of dbspaces in parallel across multiple coservers. For instance, rather than issuing a separate onutil CREATE DBSPACE command for each dbspace that you intend to use for a fragmented table, you can use the onutil CREATE DBSLICE command to create them all. The dbspaces that you create with onutil follow the naming convention that you specify as an argument to the CREATE DBSLICE command, as the following example indicates:

% onutil
2>    FROM COGROUP cogroup_all 
3>    CHUNK '/dev/dbsl_all' 
4>    OFFSET 1024 SIZE 1024; 

The above example assumes that one coserver exists on each node. If the cogroup_all coserver group contains coserver eds.1 through coserver eds.16, this command creates the following dbspaces on the indicated chunks.

Coserver Dbspace_identifier Primary Chunk Offset
eds.1 dbsl.1 /dev/dbsl_all 1024
eds.2 dbsl.2 /dev/dbsl_all 1024
eds.3 dbsl.3 /dev/dbsl_all 1024
eds.16 dbsl.16 /dev/dbsl_all 1024
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