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Dropping a Chunk from a Dbspace with onutil

Use the onutil ALTER DBSPACE command with the DROP CHUNK clause to drop a chunk. If you drop a chunk that is mirrored, the mirror chunk is also dropped.

The following example drops a chunk from dbsp3:

% onutil
1> ALTER DBSPACE dbspc3 
2> DROP CHUNK '/dev/raw_dev1'
3> OFFSET 300;

You cannot drop the initial chunk of a dbspace with the syntax in the previous example. Instead, you must drop the dbspace. For more information, refer to Dropping a Dbspace with onutil.

Use the chunk column of xctl onstat -d to determine which chunk is the initial chunk of a dbspace. For more information on onstat, see the utilities chapter of the IBM Informix: Administrator's Reference.

After you drop the chunk, you must perform a level-0 backup of the root dbspace and the modified dbspace on the affected coserver.

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