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Backing Up After Dropping a Storage Space

If you create a storage space with the same name as the deleted storage space, perform another level-0 backup to ensure that future restores do not confuse the new storage space with the old one.

If you are using ON-Bar for your backup and restore system, see the IBM Informix: Backup and Restore Guide. If you are using ON-Archive as your backup and restore tool, refer to your IBM Informix: Archive and Backup Guide.

After you drop a dbspace or blobspace, the newly freed chunks are available for reassignment to other dbspaces or blobspaces. However, before you reassign the newly freed chunks, you must perform a level-0 backup of the root dbspace and the modified dbspace or blobspace. If you do not perform this backup, and you subsequently need to perform a restore, the restore might fail because the dbspace-backup reserved pages are not up-to-date.
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