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Dropping Dbslices

The database server must be in online or quiescent mode before you can drop a dbslice.

Dbslices allow you to manage a set of dbspaces in parallel across multiple coservers. For instance, rather than issuing a separate onutil DROP DBSPACE command for each dbspace that you intend to drop after you have removed a fragmented table, you can use the onutil DROP DBSLICE command to drop them all. The dbspaces that you drop with onutil must follow the naming convention that you specified when you created the dbslice.

After you drop a dbslice, perform a level-0 backup on the coservers that contained the dbspaces that made up the dbslice.Then the newly freed chunks are available for reassignment to other dbspaces. Otherwise, a restore operation on reassigned chunks might fail.

If you drop a dbslice that is mirrored, the mirror dbslice is also dropped.

You must be logged in as root or informix to drop a dbslice. For more information on dbslices and their relationship to dbspaces, see Dbslices. For more information on the allocation and management of dbslices and dbspaces, see the information on onutil in the IBM Informix: Administrator's Reference.

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