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Using the SQL Statement SET DATASKIP

An application can use the SQL statement SET DATASKIP to control whether a fragment should be skipped if it is unavailable. Applications should include this statement only in limited circumstances because it causes queries to return different results, depending on the availability of the underlying fragments. Like the configuration parameter DATASKIP, the SET DATASKIP statement accepts a list of dbspaces that indicate to the database server which fragments to skip. For example, suppose that an application programmer included the following statement at the beginning of an application:

SET DATASKIP ON dbspace1, dbspace5

This statement causes the database server to skip dbspace1 or dbspace5 whenever both of these conditions are met:

If the database server finds that both dbspace1 and dbspace5 are unavailable, it skips both dbspaces.

The DEFAULT setting for the SET DATASKIP statement allows a database server administrator to control the dataskip feature. Suppose that an application developer includes the following statement in an application:


When a query is executed subsequent to this SQL statement, the database server checks the value of the configuration parameter DATASKIP. Encouraging end users to use this setting allows the database server administrator to specify which dbspaces are to be skipped as soon as the database server administrator becomes aware that one or more dbspaces are unavailable.

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