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In This Chapter

This chapter provides an overview of the table fragmentation and parallel database query (PDQ) features of your database server.

Table fragmentation allows you to store the parts of a table on different disks. Table fragmentation allows you to store large amounts of data in a single table and to balance the workload of large queries and high-transaction volumes across multiple disks.

Parallel database query (PDQ) is a database server feature that can improve performance dramatically when the database server processes queries initiated by decision-support applications. PDQ features allow the database server to distribute the work for one aspect of a query among several processors.and coservers. For example, if a query requires an aggregation, the database server can distribute the work for the aggregation among several processors. PDQ also includes tools for memory-resource management.

PDQ delivers maximum performance benefits when the data that is being queried is in fragmented tables. For information on how to use PDQ and fragmentation for maximum performance, refer to your IBM Informix: Performance Guide.

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