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Adding an End-of-Line Character to a Fixed-ASCII File

If you are writing text in a fixed-ASCII format, separate lines for each record are helpful. For example, consider a table with the following schema:

TABLE sample (
   lastname CHAR(10),
   firstname CHAR(10),
   dateofbirth DATE);

This table contains the following values:

Adams      Sam        10-02-1957

Smith      John       01-01-1920

Next, consider an external table with the following schema:

   lastname CHAR(10) EXTERNAL CHAR(10),
   firstname CHAR(10) EXTERNAL CHAR(10),
   dateofbirth DATE EXTERNAL CHAR(12));

Unloading sample_ext without an end-of-line character produces the following output:

Adams     Sam       10-02-1957  Smith     John      01-01-1920

An end-of-line character makes the date more legible and clear. If you use delimited format defaults, an end-of-line character is automatic. However, for fixed-format unloads, you need to add an end-of-line character to your records. You can add end-of-line characters in several ways.

Using a Program or Script

To add an end-of-line character, you can write the fixed-length records to a data file and then modify the data file with a program or script. For example, you could use a C program to find the length of each record, locate the end of a line, and then add an end-of-line character.

Adding a Newline Field in a SELECT Statement

To add an end-of-line character, select a final value from a table that contains a newline character. You can use an external table to load the newline character in your internal table, as in the following example:

  1. Create a file that contains only a newline character.
    echo "" > /tmp/cr.fixed
  2. Create an internal table to store this newline value to use later with your unload.
    CREATE TABLE dummyCr (cr CHAR(1)); 
  3. Create the external table to load in the newline value.
    USING (DATAFILES ("disk:1:/tmp/cr.fixed"), FORMAT 'FIXED');
  4. Load the external table in the internal dummyCr table.
    INSERT INTO dummyCr SELECT * FROM x_cr;

The internal table, dummyCr, now contains an end-of-line character that you can use to unload in a SELECT statement:

  1. To unload from your internal table to an external table, create the external table with the end-of-line character as an external character.
       lastname CHAR(10) EXTERNAL CHAR(10),
       firstname CHAR(10) EXTERNAL CHAR(10),
       dateofbirth DATE EXTERNAL CHAR(12),
       eol CHAR(1) EXTERNAL CHAR(1)) 
  2. Select from the internal table and the dummyCr table to create an output file that has rows separated by end-of-line characters.
    INSERT INTO sample_ext(lastname, firstname, dateofbirth, eol)
    SELECT a.lastname, a.firstname, a.dateofbirth, b.cr
    FROM mytable a, dummyCr b;

If you are unloading fixed-ASCII data with EBCDIC, end-of-line characters are not usually expected, but they are not illegal.
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