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Location of Logical-Log Files

When the database server initializes disk space, it places the logical-log files and the physical log in the root dbspace. You have no control over this action. To improve performance (specifically, to reduce the number of writes to the root dbspace and minimize contention), move the logical-log files out of the root dbspace to a dbspace on a disk that is not shared by active tables or the physical log. See Moving a Logical-Log File to Another Dbspace.

To improve performance further, separate the logical-log files into two groups and store them on two separate disks (neither of which contains data). For example, if you have six logical-log files, you might locate files 1, 3, and 5 on disk 1, and files 2, 4, and 6 on disk 2. This arrangement improves performance because the same disk drive never has to handle writes to the current logical-log file and backups to tape at the same time.

The logical-log files contain critical information and should be mirrored for maximum data protection. If you move logical-log files to a different dbspace, plan to start mirroring on that dbspace.

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