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When the database server recovers a mirror chunk, it performs the same recovery procedure that it uses when mirroring begins. The mirror-recovery process consists of copying the data from the existing online chunk onto the new, repaired chunk until the two are considered identical.

When you initiate recovery, the database server puts the down chunk in recovery mode and copies the information from the online chunk to the recovery chunk. When the recovery is complete, the chunk automatically receives online status. You perform the same steps whether you are recovering the primary chunk of a mirrored pair or recovering the mirror chunk.

You can still use the online chunk while the recovery process is occurring. If data is written to a page that has already been copied to the recovery chunk, the database server updates the corresponding page on the recovery chunk before it continues with the recovery process.

For information on how to recover a down chunk, refer to the information on recovering a mirror chunk on page Recovering a Mirror Chunk.

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