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Steps Required for Mirroring Data

To start mirroring data on a database server that is not running with the mirroring function enabled, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Run onutil SET MIRROR 1 PERSISTENT with the server in quiescent mode or on-line. See Enabling Mirroring.
  2. Allocate disk space for the mirror chunks. You can allocate this disk space at any time, as long as the disk space is available when you specify mirror chunks in the next step. See Allocating Disk Space for Mirrored Data.
  3. Choose the dbspace that you want to mirror, and create mirror chunks by specifying a mirror-chunk pathname and offset for each primary chunk in that storage space. The mirroring process starts after you perform this step. Repeat this step for all the storage spaces that you want to mirror. See Using Mirroring.
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