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Modifying Mirroring of All Root Dbspaces

You can change mirroring for all root dbspaces on all coservers in your database server.

  1. Shut down Extended Parallel Server (bring down all coservers) with the following command:
    xctl onmode -ky
  2. Add the MIRROR, MIRRORPATH, and MIRROROFFSET configuration parameters in the global parameter section of your ONCONFIG file.

    The following is an excerpt from the global section of a sample ONCONFIG file to turn on mirroring for all root dbspaces in Extended Parallel Server:

    DBSERVERNAME            xps
    ROOTSLICE            rootdbs
    ROOTPATH            /work/dbspaces/rootdbs_%c
    ROOTOFFSET            0
    ROOTSIZE            40000
    MIRROR            1             # 1 = yes
    MIRRORPATH            /work/dbspaces/mirror_%c
    MIRROROFFSET            0
  3. Bring up the database server in either online or quiescent mode with the following command:
    xctl -b -X= oninit -X=

Turn mirroring on or off for all coservers.
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