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Typographical Conventions

This manual uses the following conventions to introduce new terms, illustrate screen displays, describe command syntax, and so forth.

Convention Meaning
KEYWORD Keywords of SQL, SPL, and some other programming languages appear in uppercase letters in a serif font.
italics Within text, new terms and emphasized words appear in italics. Within syntax and code examples, variable values that you are to specify appear in italics.
boldface Names of program entities (such as classes, events, and tables), environment variables, file and pathnames, and interface elements (such as icons, menu items, and buttons) appear in boldface.
monospace Information that the product displays and information that you enter appear in a monospace typeface.
KEYSTROKE Keys that you are to press appear in uppercase letters in a sans serif font.
> This symbol indicates a menu item. For example, "Choose Tools > Options" means choose the Options item from the Tools menu.
When you are instructed to "enter" characters or to "execute" a command, immediately press RETURN after the entry. When you are instructed to "type" the text or to "press" other keys, no RETURN is required.
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