This statement is an extension to the ANSI/ISO standard for SQL. You can use this statement only with DB–Access.
>>-INFO--+-TABLES-------------------------+-------------------->< '-+-+-COLUMNS-+----+--FOR--table-' | +-INDEXES-+ | | '-STATUS--' | +-+-PRIVILEGES-+-+ | '-ACCESS-----' | '-+-FRAGMENTS--+-' '-REFERENCES-'
Element | Description | Restrictions | Syntax |
table | Table about which you seek information | Must exist | Database Object Name |
You can use the INFO statement with DB–Access to display information about database tables. C-style comments are not valid within the INFO statement.
Keywords of the INFO statement can display the following information.
Use TABLES to display a list of the tables in the current database, not including system catalog tables, in one of the following formats:
Use COLUMNS to display the names and data types of the columns in a specified table, showing for each column whether NULL values are allowed.
Use INDEXES to display the name, owner, and type of each index in a specified table, the clustered status, and listing the indexed columns.
Use FRAGMENTS to display the names of dbspaces storing fragments of a table. If the table is fragmented with an expression-based distribution scheme, the INFO statement also shows the expressions.
Use ACCESS or PRIVILEGES to display user-access privileges for a specified table. (These two keywords are synonyms in this context.)
Use REFERENCES to display the References privilege for users for the columns of a specified table. For database-level privileges, use a SELECT statement to query the sysusers system catalog table.
Use STATUS to display information about the owner, row length, number of rows and columns, creation date, and status of audit trails for a specified table.
An alternative to using the INFO statement of SQL is to use the Info command of the SQL menu or of the Table menu of DB–Access to display the same and additional information.