This statement is an extension to the ANSI/ISO standard for SQL.
>>-ALTER FRAGMENT ON--------------------------------------------> (1) >--+-TABLE--surviving_table--+-| ATTACH Clause |---------------+-+->< | | (2) | | | +-| DETACH Clause |---------------+ | | | (3) | | | +-| INIT Clause |-----------------+ | | | (4) | | | +-| ADD Clause |------------------+ | | | (5) (6) | | | '------+-| DROP Clause |--------+-' | | | (7) | | | '-| MODIFY Clause |------' | | (5) (3) | '--------INDEX--surviving_index--+-| INIT Clause |--------+---' | (4) | +-| ADD Clause |---------+ | (6) | +-| DROP Clause |--------+ | (7) | '-| MODIFY Clause |------'
Element | Description | Restrictions | Syntax |
_index |
Index on which to modify the distribution or storage | Must exist when the statement executes | Database Object Name |
_table |
Table on which to modify the distribution or storage | Must exist. See Restrictions on the ALTER FRAGMENT Statement. | Database Object Name |
The ALTER FRAGMENT statement applies only to table fragments or index fragments that are located at the current site (or the current cluster, for Extended Parallel Server). No remote information is accessed or updated.
You must have the Alter or the DBA privilege to change the fragmentation strategy of a table. You must have the Index or the DBA privilege to alter the fragmentation strategy of an index.
Clauses of the ALTER FRAGMENT statement support the following tasks.
Use the CREATE TABLE statement or the INIT clause of the ALTER FRAGMENT statement to create fragmented tables.
After a dbspace has been renamed successfully by the onspaces utility, only the new name can reference the renamed dbspace. Existing fragmentation strategies for tables or indexes are automatically updated, however, by the database server to replace the old dbspace name with the new name. You do not need to take any additional action to update a distribution strategy or storage location that was defined using the old dbspace name, but you must use the new name if you reference the dbspace in an ALTER FRAGMENT or ALTER TABLE statement.
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