By default, the SET DEFERRED_PREPARE statement causes the application program to delay sending the PREPARE statement to the database server until the OPEN or EXECUTE statement is executed. In effect, the PREPARE statement is bundled with the other statement so that one round-trip of messages, instead of two, is sent between the client and the server. This Deferred-Prepare feature can affect the following series of Dynamic SQL statement:
You can specify ENABLED or DISABLED options for SET DEFERRED_PREPARE.
If you specify no option, the default is ENABLED. The following example enables the Deferred-Prepare feature by default:
EXEC SQL set deferred_prepare;
The ENABLED option enables the Deferred-Prepare feature within the application. The following example explicitly specifies the ENABLED option:
EXEC SQL set deferred_prepare enabled;
After an application issues SET DEFERRED_PREPARE ENABLED, the Deferred-Prepare feature is enabled for subsequent PREPARE statements in the application. The application then exhibits the following behavior:
If Deferred-Prepare is enabled in a PREPARE, DECLARE, OPEN statement block that contains a DESCRIBE statement, the DESCRIBE statement must follow the OPEN statement rather than the PREPARE statement. If the DESCRIBE follows PREPARE, the DESCRIBE statement results in an error.
Use the DISABLED option to disable the Deferred-Prepare feature within the application. The following example specifies the DISABLED option:
EXEC SQL set deferred_prepare disabled;
If you specify the DISABLED option, the application sends each PREPARE statement to the database server when the PREPARE statement is executed.
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