>>-SET TABLE--table--+-------------------+----------------------> | .-,-------. | | V | | '-(----dbspace-+--)-' >--+-MEMORY_RESIDENT-+----------------------------------------->< '-NON_RESIDENT----'
Element | Description | Restrictions | Syntax |
dbspace | Name of the dbspace in which the fragment resides | Must exist. | Identifier, p. Identifier; |
table | Name of the table for which you want to change the residency state | Must exist | Database Object Name, p. Database Object Name |
This statement was formerly supported by Dynamic Server, but it is ignored in current releases. Beginning with Version 9.40, Dynamic Server determines the residency status of indexes and tables automatically. In Extended Parallel Server, however, you can use this statement to specify the residency status of table fragments.
The SET TABLE statement is a special case of the SET Residency statement. The SET Residency statement can also specify how long an index fragment remains resident in shared memory.
For the complete syntax and semantics of the SET TABLE statement, see SET Residency .