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Using the Diagnostics Table

For information on the relationship between the diagnostics table and the violations table, see Relationships Among the Target, Violations, and Diagnostics Tables.

The following issues concern the structure and use of the diagnostics table:

To start a violations and diagnostics table for the target table named stock in the demonstration database, enter the following statement:


Because your START VIOLATIONS TABLE statement does not include a USING clause, the diagnostics table is named stock_dia by default. The stock_dia table includes the following columns:



This list of columns shows an important difference between the diagnostics table and violations table for a target table. Whereas the violations table has a matching column for every column in the target table, the columns of the diagnostics table do not match any columns in the target table. The diagnostics table created by any START VIOLATIONS TABLE statement always has the same columns with the same column names and data types.

Related Information

Related statements: CREATE INDEX, CREATE TABLE , SET Database Object Mode, and STOP VIOLATIONS TABLE

For a discussion of object modes and violation detection, see the IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Tutorial.

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