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The following rules restrict the target data type in
cast expressions:
- The target data type must be either a built-in type, a user-defined type,
or a named row type in the database.
- The target data type cannot be an unnamed row or a collection type.
- The target data type can be a BLOB data type under the following conditions:
- The source expression (the expression to be cast to another data type)
is a BYTE data type.
- The source expression is a user-defined type and the user has defined
a cast from the user-defined type to the BLOB type.
- The target data type can be a CLOB type under these conditions:
- The source expression is a TEXT data type.
- The source expression is a user-defined type and the user has defined
a cast from the user-defined type to the CLOB type.
- You cannot cast a BLOB data type to a BYTE data type.
- You cannot cast a CLOB data type to a TEXT data type.
- An explicit or implicit cast must exist that can convert the data type
of the source expression to the target data type.
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