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Expelling Long Strings

The most bulky attributes are often character strings. To make the rows shorter, you can remove them from the entity table. You can use the following methods to expel long strings:

Using VARCHAR Columns

Global Language Support

A database might contain CHAR columns that you can convert to VARCHAR columns. You can use a VARCHAR column to shorten the average row length when the average length of the text string in the CHAR column is at least 2 bytes shorter than the width of the column. For information about other character data types, see the IBM Informix: GLS User's Guide.

End of Global Language Support

VARCHAR data is immediately compatible with most existing programs, forms, and reports. You might need to recompile any forms produced by application development tools to recognize VARCHAR columns. Always test forms and reports on a sample database after you modify the table schema.

Using TEXT Data

When a string fills half a disk page or more, consider converting it to a TEXT column in a separate blobspace. The column within the row page is only 56 bytes long, which allows more rows on a page than when you include a long string. However, the TEXT data type is not automatically compatible with existing programs. The application needed to fetch a TEXT value is a bit more complicated than the code for fetching a CHAR value into a program.

Moving Strings to a Companion Table

Strings that are less than half a page waste disk space if you treat them as TEXT data, but you can move them from the main table to a companion table.

Building a Symbol Table

If a column contains strings that are not unique in each row, you can move those strings to a table in which only unique copies are stored.

For example, the customer.city column contains city names. Some city names are repeated in the column, and most rows have some trailing blanks in the field. Using the VARCHAR data type eliminates the blanks but not the duplication.

You can create a table named cities, as the following example shows:

   city_name VARCHAR(40) UNIQUE

You can change the definition of the customer table so that its city column becomes a foreign key that references the city_num column in the cities table.

To insert the city of the new customer into cities, you must change any program that inserts a new row into customer. The database server return code in the SQLCODE field of the SQL Communications Area (SQLCA) can indicate that the insert failed because of a duplicate key. It is not a logical error; it simply means that an existing customer is located in that city. For more information about the SQLCA, see the IBM Informix: Guide to SQL Tutorial.

Besides changing programs that insert data, you must also change all programs and stored queries that retrieve the city name. The programs and stored queries must use a join to the new cities table in order to obtain their data. The extra complexity in programs that insert rows and the extra complexity in some queries is the result of giving up theoretical correctness in the data model. Before you make the change, be sure that it returns a reasonable savings in disk space or execution time.

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