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Choosing Columns for Indexes

Indexes are required on columns that must be unique and are not specified as primary keys. In addition, add an index on columns that:

Filtered Columns in Large Tables

If a column is often used to filter the rows of a large table, consider placing an index on it. The optimizer can use the index to select the desired columns and avoid a sequential scan of the entire table. One example is a table that contains a large mailing list. If you find that a postal-code column is often used to filter a subset of rows, consider putting an index on that column.

This strategy yields a net savings of time only when the selectivity of the column is high; that is, when only a small fraction of rows holds any one indexed value. Nonsequential access through an index takes several more disk I/O operations than sequential access does, so if a filter expression on the column passes more than a fourth of the rows, the database server might as well read the table sequentially.

As a rule, indexing a filter column saves time in the following cases:

Order-By and Group-By Columns

When a large quantity of rows must be ordered or grouped, the database server must put the rows in order. One way that the database server performs this task is to select all the rows into a temporary table and sort the table. But, as Queries and the Query Optimizer, discusses, if the ordering columns are indexed, the optimizer sometimes reads the rows in sorted order through the index, thus avoiding a final sort.

Because the keys in an index are in sorted sequence, the index really represents the result of sorting the table. By placing an index on the ordering column or columns, you can replace many sorts during queries with a single sort when the index is created.

Avoiding Columns with Duplicate Keys

When duplicate keys are permitted in an index, entries that match a given key value are grouped in lists. The database server uses these lists to locate rows that match a requested key value. When the selectivity of the index column is high, these lists are generally short. But when only a few unique values occur, the lists become long and can cross multiple leaf pages.

Placing an index on a column that has low selectivity (that is, a small number of distinct values relative to the number of rows) can reduce performance. In such cases, the database server must not only search the entire set of rows that match the key value, but it must also lock all the affected data and index pages. This process can impede the performance of other update requests as well.

To correct this problem, replace the index on the low-selectivity column with a composite index that has a higher selectivity. Use the low-selectivity column as the leading column and a high-selectivity column as your second column in the index. The composite index limits the number of rows that the database server must search to locate and apply an update.

You can use any second column to disperse the key values as long as its value does not change, or changes at the same time as the real key. The shorter the second column the better, because its values are copied into the index and expand its size.


Clustering is a method for arranging the rows of a table so that their physical order on disk closely corresponds to the sequence of entries in the index. (Do not confuse the clustered index with an optical cluster, which is a method for storing logically related TEXT or BYTE data together on an optical volume.)

When you know that a table is ordered by a certain index, you can avoid sorting. You can also be sure that when the table is searched on that column, it is read effectively in sequential order, instead of nonsequentially. These points are covered in Queries and the Query Optimizer.

For information about eliminating interleaved extents by altering an index to cluster, see Creating or Altering an Index to Cluster.

In the stores_demo database, the orders table has an index, zip_ix, on the postal-code column. The following statement causes the database server to put the rows of the customer table in descending order by postal code:


To cluster a table on a nonindexed column, you must create an index. The following statement reorders the orders table by order date:

CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX o_date_ix ON orders (order_date ASC)

To reorder a table, the database server must copy the table. In the preceding example, the database server reads all the rows in the table and constructs an index. Then it reads the index entries in sequence. For each entry, it reads the matching row of the table and copies it to a new table. The rows of the new table are in the desired sequence. This new table replaces the old table.

Clustering is not preserved when you alter a table. When you insert new rows, they are stored physically at the end of the table, regardless of their contents. When you update rows and change the value of the clustering column, the rows are written back into their original location in the table.

Clustering can be restored after the order of rows is disturbed by ongoing updates. The following statement reorders the table to restore data rows to the index sequence:


Reclustering is usually quicker than the original clustering because reading out the rows of a nearly clustered table is similar in I/O impact to a sequential scan.

Clustering and reclustering take a lot of space and time. To avoid some clustering, build the table in the desired order initially.

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