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Setting Fragmentation Goals

Analyze your application and workload to determine the balance to strike among the following fragmentation goals:

The performance of a fragmented table is primarily governed by the following factors:

Improving Performance for Individual Queries

If the primary goal of fragmentation is improved performance for individual queries, try to distribute all the rows of the table evenly over the different disks. Overall query-completion time is reduced when the database server does not have to wait for data retrieval from a table fragment that has more rows than other fragments.

If queries access data by performing sequential scans against significant portions of tables, fragment the table rows only. Do not fragment the index. If an index is fragmented and a query has to cross a fragment boundary to access the data, the performance of the query can be worse than if you do not fragment.

If queries access data by performing an index read, you can improve performance by using the same distribution scheme for the index and the table.

If you use round-robin fragmentation, do not fragment your index. Consider placing that index in a separate dbspace from other table fragments.

For more information about improving performance for queries, see Query Expressions for Fragment Elimination and Improving Individual Query Performance.

Reducing Contention Between Queries and Transactions

Fragmentation can reduce contention for data in tables that multiple queries and OLTP applications use. Fragmentation often reduces contention when many simultaneous queries against a table perform index scans to return a few rows. For tables subjected to this type of load, fragment both the index keys and data rows with a distribution scheme that allows each query to eliminate unneeded fragments from its scan. Use an expression-based distribution scheme. For more information, see Using Distribution Schemes to Eliminate Fragments.

To fragment a table for reduced contention, start by investigating which queries access which parts of the table. Next, fragment your data so that some of the queries are routed to one fragment while others access a different fragment. The database server performs this routing when it evaluates the fragmentation rule for the table. Finally, store the fragments on separate disks.

Your success in reducing contention depends on how much you know about the distribution of data in the table and the scheduling of queries against the table. For example, if the distribution of queries against the table is set up so that all rows are accessed at roughly the same rate, try to distribute rows evenly across the fragments. However, if certain values are accessed at a higher rate than others, you can compensate for this difference by distributing the rows over the fragments to balance the access rate. For more information, see Designing an Expression-Based Distribution Scheme .

Increasing Data Availability

When you distribute table and index fragments across different disks or devices, you improve the availability of data during disk or device failures. The database server continues to allow access to fragments stored on disks or devices that remain operational. This availability has important implications for the following types of applications:

If your fragmentation goal is increased availability of data, fragment both table rows and index keys so that if a disk drive fails, some of the data is still available. If applications must always be able to access a subset of your data, keep those rows together in the same mirrored dbspace.

Increasing Granularity for Backup and Restore

Consider the following two backup and restore factors when you are deciding how to distribute dbspaces across disks:

For more information about backup and restore, see your IBM Informix: Backup and Restore Guide or IBM Informix: Archive and Backup Guide.

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