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Optimization Goal

The two types of optimization goals for query performance are as follows:

Total query time is the time it takes to return all rows to the application. Total query time is most important for batch processing or for queries that require all rows be processed before returning a result to the user, as in the following query:

SELECT count(*) FROM orders
WHERE order_amount > 2000;

User-response time is the time that it takes for the database server to return a screen full of rows back to an interactive application. In interactive applications, only a screen full of data can be requested at one time. For example, the user application can display only 10 rows at one time for the following query:

SELECT * FROM orders
WHERE order_amount > 2000;

Which optimization goal is more important can have an effect on the query path that the optimizer chooses. For example, the optimizer might choose a nested-loop join instead of a hash join to execute a query if user-response time is most important, even though a hash join might result in a reduction in total query time.

Specifying the Query Performance Goal

The default behavior is for the optimizer to choose query plans that optimize the total query time. You can specify optimization of user-response time at several different levels:

The precedence for these levels is as follows:

For example, optimizer directives take precedence over the goal that the SET OPTIMIZATION statement specifies.

Preferred Query Plans for User-Response-Time Optimization

When the optimizer chooses query plans to optimize user-response time, it computes the cost to retrieve the first row in the query for each plan and chooses the plan with the lowest cost. In some cases, the query plan with the lowest cost to retrieve the first row might not be the optimal path to retrieve all rows in the query.

The following sections explain some of the possible differences in query plans.

Nested-Loop Joins Versus Hash Join

Hash joins generally have a higher cost to retrieve the first row than nested-loop joins do. The database server must build the hash table before it retrieves any rows. However, in some cases, total query time is faster if the database server uses a hash join.

In the following example, tab2 has an index on col1, but tab1 does not have an index on col1. When you execute SET OPTIMIZATION ALL_ROWS before you run the query, the database server uses a hash join and ignores the existing index, as the following SET EXPLAIN output shows:

SELECT * FROM tab1,tab2
WHERE tab1.col1 = tab2.col1
Estimated Cost: 125
Estimated # of Rows Returned: 510
1) lsuto.tab2: SEQUENTIAL SCAN
2) lsuto.tab1: SEQUENTIAL SCAN
    Dynamic Hash Filters: lsuto.tab2.col1 = lsuto.tab1.col1 

However, when you execute SET OPTIMIZATION FIRST_ROWS before you run the query, the database server uses a nested-loop join. The clause (FIRST_ROWS OPTIMIZATION) in the following SET EXPLAIN output shows that the optimizer used user-response-time optimization for the query:

SELECT * FROM tab1,tab2
WHERE tab1.col1 = tab2.col1
Estimated Cost: 145
Estimated # of Rows Returned: 510
1) lsuto.tab1: SEQUENTIAL SCAN
2) lsuto.tab2: INDEX PATH
    (1) Index Keys: col1
        Lower Index Filter: lsuto.tab2.col1 = lsuto.tab1.col1
Table Scans Versus Index Scans

In cases where the database server returns a large number of rows from a table, the lower cost option for the total-query-time goal might be to scan the table instead of using an index. However, to retrieve the first row, the lower cost option for the user-response-time goal might be to use the index to access the table.

Ordering with Fragmented Indexes

When an index is not fragmented, the database server can use the index to avoid a sort. For more information on avoiding sorts, see Avoiding or Simplifying Sort Operations. However, when an index is fragmented, the ordering can be guaranteed only within the fragment, not between fragments.

Usually, the least expensive option for the total-query-time goal is to scan the fragments in parallel and then use the parallel sort to produce the proper ordering. However, this option does not favor the user-response-time goal.

Instead, if the user-response time is more important, the database server reads the index fragments in parallel and merges the data from all of the fragments. No additional sort is generally needed.

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