Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2025. All rights reserved. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights: Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.
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While IBM welcomes any comments or suggestions, this Cookbook is not supported by IBM and is provided on an "as-is" basis without warranty of any kind. IBM may make updates if needed and as time permits.
The Cookbook contains techniques and tools that may not be supported by IBM's support process. For example, you may gather some form of trace that captures a problem that the support process is not accustomed to analyzing. If you have any question about any content or recommendations, particularly if you are about to do something in a production environment, please first open a support case to ask what is and isn't supported.
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- Kevin Grigorenko ( [Primary Contact]
- Leon Foret ( [Secondary Contact]
- Alexandre Polozoff
- Andrea Pichler
- Andy Henderson
- Anuradha Ramamoorthy
- Ashish Deb
- Ed Bernal
- Eric M Covener
- Gary Hunt
- Gary J DeVal
- Hermann Huebler
- Jagdish Komakula
- Keith B Smith
- Marco Fabbri
- Martin Ross
- Mike Andrasak
- Phil Hirsch
- Raquel Maldonado
- Surya V Duggirala
- Vishal A Charegaonkar
- Younes Manton
- Andrew Levandoski
- Benedict Fernandes
- Chris Bailey
- Pavel Malyutin
- Rengan Sundararaman
- Stephen A Hellberg
- Tom Alcott
- Walt Adams
Thank you to the IBM managers that helped support this project: Tony Webb, Prasad Imandi, Dave Schell, Barry Foster, Melissa Modjeski, Keri Olson, Frank Schembari, Michael Stuy, Mike Morin, Sree Ratnasinghe, and others.