Tune a Thread Pool

Tuning a thread pool is one of the most important performance exercises. The optimal maximum thread pool size is the point at which throughput is maximized and resource utilizations (such as CPU) are at comfortable levels. The key thing to remember is that you can only conclude anything when observing a thread pool running at its maximum concurrency (i.e. nothing can be concluded if there is a lesser load than that which fills up the thread pool coming in), and when the mix of work is representative of normal user behavior.

  1. Start at a maximum thread pool size of X.
  2. Observe the system running with X concurrent threads and gather diagnostics such as throughput, response times, processor usage, monitor contention, and any other relevant resource usage.
  3. If one of the resources exceeds (or is significantly below) a comfortable utilization level (for example, average CPU more than 90% utilized, or it is only 5%), then perform a binary search (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_algorithm) on X.

For example, let's say we start at 50 WebContainer threads and load the system to 50 concurrent threads. Let's say we're focused on CPU and we want it to be no more than 90% in the worst case. We run a test and CPU is 100%, so we take half and go to 25 maximum threads. We run another test and CPU is still 100%, so we go to 12. With 12, CPU is 50% which is no longer saturated but now it's not utilizing the CPU as much as we'd like, so we increase by half the difference: CEILING(12 + (25-12)/2) = 19. With 19, CPU is 95%, so we subtract half the difference again: CEILING(18 - (18-12)/2) = 15. With 15, CPU is 90% and we're done.

Here is some pseudo code showing the algorithm:

# Target and TargetWindow are in terms of the Measurement, e.g. CPU %
# Minimum, Maximum, and X are in terms of the thread pool size
Target = T
TargetWindow = W
Minimum = N
Maximum = M
Measurement = PerformTest(X)
loop {
  if (Measurement < (T - W)) {
    N = X
    X = CEILING((M - X) / 2)
  } else if (Measurement > (T + W)) {
    M = X
    X = CEILING((X - N) / 2)
  } else {
    Target met. Print X, Measurement
  Measurement = PerformTest(X)

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