Logging PMI Data

  1. Configure any PMI data that is required for each server. PMI Basic is enabled by default and it's a good place to start.
  2. Administrative Console } Monitoring and Tuning } Performance Viewer } Current Activity
  3. Select all application servers you want to log and click "Start Monitoring"
  4. Click each monitored application server link and:
    1. Click on server } Settings } Log
      1. Duration = 999999
      2. Maximum File Size = 50
      3. Maximum Number of Historical Files = 5
      4. Log Output Format = XML
      5. Click Apply
    2. Click server } Summary Reports } Servlets
    3. Click "Start Logging"
  5. Reproduce the problem
  6. Click "Stop Logging"
  7. The TPV files are in $WAS/profiles/$PROFILE/logs/tpv/


  1. The PMI component must be enabled for the above steps to work. It is enabled by default and configured with PMI Basic. To check if it has been disabled, double check if "Enable Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI)" is checked.
  2. There is no way to automatically start PMI logging when a JVM is restarted. Logging must be manually restarted after a JVM restart either through the steps above or through wsadmin scripts.
  3. For details on metrics and analysis, see the Performance Monitoring chapter.