Troubleshooting AIX

Java interaction

If Java uses shmget to allocate the Java heap, then it will immediately mark the shared memory region for deletion, so that if the JVM crashes, the memory will be released. Therefore, if you find large shared memory regions marked for deletion (ipcs -Smqsa -1 | egrep "^m" | egrep " D"), this is most likely the reason and expected.

Request core dump (also known as a "system dump" for IBM Java)

Additional methods of requesting system dumps for IBM Java are documented in the Troubleshooting IBM Java and Troubleshooting WAS chapters.

  1. The gencore command pauses the process while the core is generated and then the process should continue. Replace PIDinthefollowingexamplewiththeprocessID.Youmusthavepermissionstotheprocess(i.e.eitherrunastheowneroftheprocessorasroot)andthecoreulimitmustbeunlimited((ulimit -c unlimited) before starting the process). The size of the core file will be the size of the virtual size of the process (ps VSZ). If there is sufficient free space in physical RAM and the filecache, the core file will be written to RAM and then asynchronously written out to the filesystem which can dramatically improve the speed of generating a core and reduce the time the process is paused. In general, core dumps compress very well (often up to 75%) for transfer.

    gencore PIDcore.(date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S).dmp


Signal mappings and detailed error codes may be found in /usr/include/sys/signal.h. A simpler listing may be performed with kill -l:

$ kill -l
 1) HUP  14) ALRM     27) MSG     40) bad trap 53) bad trap
 2) INT  15) TERM     28) WINCH   41) bad trap 54) bad trap
 3) QUIT 16) URG      29) PWR     42) bad trap 55) bad trap
 4) ILL  17) STOP     30) USR1    43) bad trap 56) bad trap
 5) TRAP 18) TSTP     31) USR2    44) bad trap 57) bad trap
 6) ABRT 19) CONT     32) PROF    45) bad trap 58) RECONFIG
 7) EMT  20) CHLD     33) DANGER  46) bad trap 59) CPUFAIL
 8) FPE  21) TTIN     34) VTALRM  47) bad trap 60) GRANT
 9) KILL 22) TTOU     35) MIGRATE 48) bad trap 61) RETRACT
10) BUS  23) IO       36) PRE     49) bad trap 62) SOUND
11) SEGV 24) XCPU     37) VIRT    50) bad trap 63) SAK
12) SYS  25) XFSZ     38) ALRM1   51) bad trap
13) PIPE 26) bad trap 39) WAITING 52) bad trap

Find PID that owns a socket

Method 1

Install the optional lsof tool.

Method 2

$ netstat -Aan | grep "*.2[2,5].*LISTEN"  
f1000e000531a3b8 tcp4       0      0  *.22                  *.*                   LISTEN  
f1000e00040babb8 tcp4       0      0  *.25                  *.*                   LISTEN

$ rmsock f1000e000531a3b8 tcpcb
The socket 0xf1000e000531a008 is being held by proccess 9830644 (sshd).

$ rmsock f1000e00040babb8 tcpcb
The socket 0xf1000e00040ba808 is being held by proccess 6684754 (sendmail).

Method 3

  1. Find the socket of interest with netstat -A and copy the first hexadecimal address which is the socket ID:

    # netstat -Aan | grep 32793
    **f1000e00032203b8** tcp4       0      0       *.*                   LISTEN
  2. Send this socket ID into kdb:

    # echo "sockinfo f1000e00032203b8 tcpcb" | kdb | grep proc  
    F1000F0A00000000 F1000F0A10000000 pvproc+000000  
    proc/fd:  65/8  
    proc/fd: fd: 8  
    pvproc+010400   65*kuxagent ACTIVE **0410058** 0000001 00000008A84D5590   0 0030
  3. Take the first hexadecimal address after ACTIVE and convert it to decimal:

    # echo "hcal 0410058" | kdb | grep Value  
    Value hexa: 00410058          Value decimal: 4259928
  4. Search for this PID in ps:

    # ps -elf | grep 4259928

Kernel Trace

Trace source of kill signal

It may be useful to understand what PID is sending a kill signal to a process on AIX. You can use this kernel trace:

Login as root
# rm -rf /tmp/aixtrace; mkdir /tmp/aixtrace/; cd /tmp/aixtrace/
# trace -C all -a -T 10M -L 20M -n -j 134,139,465,14e,46c -o ./trc
... Reproduce the problem ... e.g. kill -3 7667754
# trcstop
# cp /etc/trcfmt .
# trcnm -a > trace.nm
# LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x80000000 gensyms > trace.syms
# LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x80000000 gennames -f > gennames.out
# pstat -i > trace.inode
# ls -al /dev > trace.maj_min2lv

Either zip and send these files to a PMR or analysis machine, or run these commands directly to process the trace:

# trcrpt -C all -r -o trc
# trcrpt -C all -t trcfmt -n trace.nm -x -O pid=on,tid=on,svc=on,exec=on,cpuid=on,PURR=on -o trc.txt

Make sure the trace buffers did not wrap:

# grep WRAP trc.txt

If there are no results, then you're good; otherwise, if you see lines such as:

006  --1-           -1  -1       -1                      963.205627656       0.002912    963.205627656                   TRACEBUFFER WRAPAROUND 0003
005  -4916246-      -1  4916246  113967573                963.205627656*                  963.205627656                   LOGFILE WRAPAROUND 0002

Then, either try increasing buffer sizes or reducing your test case or system load (or the tracepoints in -j).

Finally, search for the signal:

# grep -Ei "^14e|46c" trc.txt | grep -E "signal 3|SIGQUIT"
14E  ksh            0   10879036 62128373                 28.157542500       0.128249     28.157542500                   kill: signal SIGQUIT to process ? java

The time of the signal is the ELAPSED_SEC column added to the date at the top of trc.txt:

# head -2 trc.txt

Wed Aug 21 05:10:28 2013

Thus the kill was sent at 05:10:56 by PID 10879036 (ksh). If this is a long running process, then you can reference ps.out for more details. The entry may not print the PID the signal was sent to (notice the question mark), but you should be able to figure that out based on other artifacts produced at that time such as javacores.

Useful Commands

  • genkld: List all shared objects loaded on the system.
  • genld: List all shared objects loaded by a process.
  • slibclean: Remove shared libraries from memory that have 0 use and load counts.

Querying Queue Depth with Netstat

Example AIX netstat output:

$ netstat -an
Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address        (state)
tcp4       0      0     ESTABLISHED [...]

AIX has a somewhat strange format with the IP address followed by a period (instead of a colon) and the port number.

To find the queue depth of a server, first search for the local IP followed by the listening port of the server (it doesn't matter which column it's in because it's impossible for a server to both listen on a port and use that same port as a client port for some other socket), and filter the output for sockets in ESTABLISHED or SYN_RECEIVED states. Sockets may also be in various closing states such as CLOSE_WAIT, TIME_WAIT, FIN_WAIT_1, and FIN_WAIT_2 (depending on which side closed its half of the socket first): these states can cause other types of bottlenecks but they are not related to queue depth.

For example, let's say the web server above is listening on port 80:

$ netstat -an | grep -F | grep -e ESTABLISHED -e SYN_RECEIVED | wc -l

Then, to get the queue depth, subtract this number from the maximum number of servers (e.g. MaxClients, WebContainer maximum size, etc.).

Debug Symbols

AIX: "Specifying -g will turn off all inlining unless you explicitly request it with an optimization option." (

Use stabsplit to create separate symbol files:

Analyzing Native Memory with svmon

AIX, like all other modern operating systems, aggressively uses RAM as a file cache; therefore, it's very common for the "free" RAM in AIX to show as very low. However, in general, this file cache can be pushed out of RAM to make space for program demands. Therefore, to understand "effective RAM usage", you must subtract non-pinned filecache from used RAM.

while ([ -d /proc/$PID ]); do
  svmon -G
  svmon -r -m -P $PID
  kill -3 $PID
  sleep $INTERVAL

Run the following to make the script executable:

chmod a+x

Start the script (and replace $PID with the target Java process ID):

nohup ./ $PID > nativemem.txt 2>&1 &

This runs at an interval of 30 minutes and has a very low overhead (assuming you have not changed the default behavior of kill -3 to only produce a javacore).

After enough data has been captured, kill the script:

kill $(ps -ef | grep | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')

The following command line snippet on Linux (should be easy to convert to ksh) may be used to analyze the output of the AIX memory script above and display the effectively used RAM (i.e. RAM usage - file cache):

grep -e TZ -e "^memory" -e "^in use" nativemem.txt | \
     while read line; do \
       read line2;
       read line3;
       echo $line;
       rambytesused="$(echo "${line2}" | awk '{print $3}' | echo "$(cat -)*4096" | bc)";
       rambytesfilecache="$(echo "${line3}" | awk '{print $5}' | echo "$(cat -)*4096" | bc)";
       printf "Total RAM usage (bytes):      %s\n" "${rambytesused}";
       printf "File cache RAM usage (bytes): %s\n" "${rambytesfilecache}";
       printf "Effectively used RAM (bytes): %s\n\n" "$(echo "${rambytesused}-${rambytesfilecache}" | bc)";

Native Memory Leaks

Restart the process with the MALLOCDEBUG envar to track un-freed mallocs. This may have a significant performance overhead:

export MALLOCDEBUG=report_allocations,stack_depth:3

Reproduce the problem and stop the process gracefully. A report is produced in stderr with each un-freed allocation:

    Allocation #0: 0x3002FD60
        Allocation size: 0x2A0
        Allocated from heap: 0
        Allocation traceback:
        0xD01DC934  malloc
        0xD01288AC  init_malloc
        0xD012A1F4  malloc
        0xD04DFF34  __pth_init

Snapshots of this data may also be captured with a core dump (see above) and the dbx $(malloc) command (see below).

With Java, careful of using stack depths greater than 3:

"The stack depth of 3 provides only a limited stack trace. However, the use of larger stack depths with a Java application can cause crashes because the debug malloc facility does not understand the stack frames used for JIT compiled code."

Run to aggregate and summarize the stacks:

Example output:

533676 bytes leaked in 127 Blocks


Analyze a core file:


To load shared libraries from a particular folder, user -p:


If you see the following warning:

warning: The core file is not a fullcore. Some info may not be available.

Then the core is probably truncated. As recommended in the Java documentation, enable fullcore and reproduce the issue (

# chdev -l sys0 -a fullcore='true' -a pre430core='false'


Type help $COMMAND to print the summary and options of a command. For example:

(dbx) help proc
proc [raw] [cred | cru | rlimit | ru | sigflags | signal]
        Display process information. "raw" displays in raw hex format.
        "cred" shows credentials, "cru", "ru" and "rlimit" resource info,
        "sigflags" and "signal" information about signals and handlers.

Command output may be redirected to files in the same directory. For example:

(dbx) coremap > coremap.txt


proc prints general process information. For example:

(dbx) proc
 pi_pid:         9306144                pi_sid:         10354784
 pi_ppid:        9961578                pi_pgrp:             204
 pi_uid:             204                pi_suid:             204
 pi_thcount:         342                pi_cpu:        0
 pi_start:      Tue Dec  9 06:09:20 2014
 pi_tsize:      0x0000000000013eeb      pi_dsize:       0x000000003ba99c00...


thread prints a list of all native threads. The thread preceded with ">" is the current thread:

(dbx) thread
 thread  state-k     wchan            state-u    k-tid mode held scope function
 $t1     run       0xf1000f0a1015c140 blocked  96535077    k   no   sys  _event_sleep     
 $t190   run                           running   123339089   k   no   sys  pollset_poll     
>$t286   run                           running   96272413    k   no   sys  genSystemCoreUsingGencore...

Native Stacks

On AIX, to calculate the total native memory used by native stacks:

(dbx) thread info

For example, under "stack storage," the native stack size is next to size=:

thread  state-k     wchan    state-u    k-tid   mode held scope function
 $t1     run                  blocked  28999789     u   no   sys  _event_sleep...
      stack storage:
         base         = 0x2df23000         size         = 0x1ffc830


where prints a native stack of the current thread. For example:

(dbx) where
genSystemCoreUsingGencore() at 0x9000000177a6ef4
j9dump_create() at 0x9000000177a6370
doSystemDump() at 0x9000000177ed2cc
protectedDumpFunction() at 0x9000000177f2b54
j9sig_protect() at 0x90000001777dc9c
runDumpFunction() at 0x9000000177f2aa4
runDumpAgent() at 0x9000000177f26cc
createAndRunOneOffDumpAgent() at 0x9000000177f22a0
triggerOneOffDump() at 0x900000017814598
Java_com_ibm_jvm_Dump_SystemDumpImpl() at 0x9000000186cb198

To print the stack of a particular thread, reference the number with $t#:

(dbx) where $t190
Thread $t190
warning: Thread is in kernel mode, not all registers can be accessed.
pollset_poll(??, ??, ??, ??) at 0x90000000014e56c
pollStatus() at 0x900000005e8ca30


map prints a list of all loaded modules. For example:

(dbx) map
Entry 1:
   Object name: ./opt/BPM/8.5/WebSphere/AppServer/java/jre/bin/java
   Text origin:     0x10000000000
   Text length:     0x17236
   Data origin:     0x1001000012b
   Data length:     0x194d
   File descriptor: 0x5
Entry 64:
   Object name: ./usr/lib/libc.a
   Member name: shr_64.o
   Text origin:     0x900000000000c80
   Text length:     0x43b3bf
   Data origin:     0x9001000a00007e0
   Data length:     0x11d8a0
   File descriptor: 0x83


coremap prints a list of all memory mappings. For example:

Mapping: Shared Memory (size=0x280000000)
   from (address): 0xa00000000000000 - 0xa00000280000000
   to (offset)   : 0x421680be - 0x2c21680be
   in file       : core.20141209.175356.9306144.0002.dmp

In the above example, the virtual address range is from 0xa00000000000000 to 0xa00000280000000 (which is of length 0x280000000 reported in the first line), and the raw data may be found in the file core.20141209.175356.9306144.0002.dmp in the range 0x421680be to 0x2c21680be. We can verify this by dumping the first 2 words of the virtual address:

(dbx) 0xa00000000000000/2X
0x0a00000000000000:  00000100 13737f3c

This matches dumping the same bytes from the core file at the offset:

$ od -N 8 -x core.20141209.175356.9306144.0002.dmp +0x421680be
421680be  0000 0100 1373 7f3c

An address followed by a slash, a number, and a format character may be used to print raw memory. For example:

(dbx) 0x10000000000/8X
0x0000010000000000:  01f70005 51c013e3 00000000 0003a516
0x0000010000000010:  00781182 000015af 010b0001 00000000

The help command for this is help display.

For null-terminated strings, simply type the address followed by /s.

For character bytes, use /c. For example:

(dbx) 0x20000000000/8c
0x0000020000000000:  'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' '1' '2'


malloc prints a summary of the malloc subsystem. For example:

(dbx) malloc
The following options are enabled:

        Implementation Algorithm........ Default Allocator (Yorktown)

Statistical Report on the Malloc Subsystem:
        Heap 0
                heap lock held by................ pthread ID 0x1001000ee90
                bytes acquired from sbrk().......   1000964480
                bytes in the freespace tree......    125697184
                bytes held by the user...........    875267296
                allocations currently active.....        56012
                allocations since process start..     65224401

The Process Heap
                Initial process brk value........ 0x0000010010001a80
                current process brk value........ 0x000001004ba99c00
                sbrk()s called by malloc.........               7180


corefile prints information about a loaded core file. For example:

(dbx) corefile
 Process Name:  /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java/jre/bin/java
 Version:       500
 Process Mode:  64 bit


fd prints information about open file handles.

  • Print all printable strings and their hex offsets (at least N printable characters followed by a null, default N is 4):
    $ strings -t x $CORE_FILE
  • Print all bytes in both hexadecimal and character from the core file starting at offset 0x988 and only show 100 bytes:
    $ od -N 100 -xc $CORE_FILE +0x988
  • Alternatively:
    $ od -v -A x -N 100 -j 0x2B521000 -t xc $CORE_FILE

Compressing Files


The compress command is a built-in command to compress files. If you're okay with replacing the file, then you can run it in place like this:

compress -f core.dmp

This will replace the file with a core.dmp.Z file which is compressed.

If you want to create a separately compressed file instead of replacing in-place, then you just pipe the file into compress and write to the desired file:

cat core.dmp | compress -f > core.dmp.Z

To package multiple files, se tar to package multiple files, pipe that to stdout, then use compress to take that tar data from stdin and then write that to a .Z file:

tar -cvf - $FILES_OR_DIRS | compress -f > $NAME.Z

The reason for always using the -f flag is both to overwrite existing files and also to avoid the issue of "This file is not changed; compression does not save space." not writing the file.


If gzip is available, use tar to package multiple files, pipe that to stdout, then use gzip to take that tar data from stdin and then write that to a .tar.gz file:

tar -cvf - $FILES_OR_DIRS | gzip > $NAME.tar.gz

Splitting Files

The split command splits a file into smaller files.

For example, let's say you have a core.dmp file. You can split it into 100MB files like this:

split -b 100m core.dmp core.dmp.split.

This will produce files like this, each of which is no larger than 100MB:



DNS Cache

DNS caching is enabled with netcd. See if netcd is enabled by running lssrc -s netcd.

The netcdctrl -t all -a outputfile command dumps out the DNS cache.

The netcdctrl -f -t $TYPE command flushes the cache. Specify $TYPE as local, dns, nis, yp, ulm, or all.


  • List ARP entries: arp -a
  • There isn't an option to clear the entire ARGP cache but you may delete an individual entry with arp -d $HOST_OR_IP. This could be automated with arp -a | grep "stored" and then a script to delete

Example Script to Deny/Allow Packets on a port

curl_msg="200 ok"
do_v6=0  # set to 1 if enabling firewall for IP V6 also
    echo "Usage: $0 [-p port] [-s sample_intvl][-F on|off]
    echo "-p port\tspecifies the WAS port; default is 9443"
    echo "-s sec\tspecifies how often in seconds to sample the port state"
    echo "-F on/off\tManually turn on the firewall or turn off the firewall"
    genfilt  -v4 -P $WAS_PORT -O eq -w I -a D  -s 0 -m 0 -M 0 -D "Deny packets to port $WAS_PORT from all but loopback"
    if [ "$do_v6" = 1 ]; then
       genfilt  -v6 -P $WAS_PORT -O eq -w I -a D  -s 0 -m 0 -M 0 -D "Deny packets to port $WAS_PORT from all but loopback"
    while :; do
        /usr/bin/netstat -an | /usr/bin/grep "\.$WAS_PORT .*LISTEN" >/dev/null
        if [ $? != 0 ]; then
        sleep $sample_intvl
    while :; do
        curl https://localhost:$WAS_PORT/api/adapter/is_okay?id=$curl_id | grep -i "$curl_msg" >/dev/null
        if [ $? = 0 ]; then  # 200_ok was returned
        sleep $sample_intvl
    mkdev -l ipsec_v4    # enable IPsec kernel extension for IP V4
    mkfilt -v4 -u        # activate the filters
    if [ "$do_v6" = 1 ]; then
        mkdev -l ipsec_v6    # enable IPsec kernel extension for IP V4
        mkfilt -v6 -u        # activate the filters for IP V4
    rmfilt -v4 -d      # disable the filter
    rmdev -l ipsec_v4  # disable IPsec kernel extension
    if [ "$do_v6" = 1 ]; then
        rmfilt -v6 -d        # disable the filter for IP V6
        rmdev -l ipsec_v6    # disabl3 IPsec kernel extension for IP V6
while getopts p:s:F: flag; do
        case $flag in
        p) WAS_PORT=$OPTARG;;
    s) sample_intvl=$OPTARG;;
    F) fw_state=$OPTARG;;
    \?) show_usage;;
create_filter  # create the filter at the beginning; okay if duplicate filter errmsg is returned
if [ "$fw_state" = "on" ]; then
elif [ "$fw_state" = "off" ]; then
while :; do

error.h and errno.h

#define EPERM   1       /* Operation not permitted              */
#define ENOENT  2       /* No such file or directory            */
#define ESRCH   3       /* No such process                      */
#define EINTR   4       /* interrupted system call              */
#define EIO     5       /* I/O error                            */
#define ENXIO   6       /* No such device or address            */
#define E2BIG   7       /* Arg list too long                    */
#define ENOEXEC 8       /* Exec format error                    */
#define EBADF   9       /* Bad file descriptor                  */
#define ECHILD  10      /* No child processes                   */
#define EAGAIN  11      /* Resource temporarily unavailable     */
#define ENOMEM  12      /* Not enough space                     */
#define EACCES  13      /* Permission denied                    */
#define EFAULT  14      /* Bad address                          */
#define ENOTBLK 15      /* Block device required                */
#define EBUSY   16      /* Resource busy                        */
#define EEXIST  17      /* File exists                          */
#define EXDEV   18      /* Improper link                        */
#define ENODEV  19      /* No such device                       */
#define ENOTDIR 20      /* Not a directory                      */
#define EISDIR  21      /* Is a directory                       */
#define EINVAL  22      /* Invalid argument                     */
#define ENFILE  23      /* Too many open files in system        */
#define EMFILE  24      /* Too many open files                  */
#define ENOTTY  25      /* Inappropriate I/O control operation  */
#define ETXTBSY 26      /* Text file busy                       */
#define EFBIG   27      /* File too large                       */
#define ENOSPC  28      /* No space left on device              */
#define ESPIPE  29      /* Invalid seek                         */
#define EROFS   30      /* Read only file system                */
#define EMLINK  31      /* Too many links                       */
#define EPIPE   32      /* Broken pipe                          */
#define EDOM    33      /* Domain error within math function    */
#define ERANGE  34      /* Result too large                     */
#define ENOMSG  35      /* No message of desired type           */
#define EIDRM   36      /* Identifier removed                   */
#define ECHRNG  37      /* Channel number out of range          */
#define EL2NSYNC 38     /* Level 2 not synchronized             */
#define EL3HLT  39      /* Level 3 halted                       */
#define EL3RST  40      /* Level 3 reset                        */
#define ELNRNG  41      /* Link number out of range             */
#define EUNATCH 42      /* Protocol driver not attached         */
#define ENOCSI  43      /* No CSI structure available           */
#define EL2HLT  44      /* Level 2 halted                       */
#define EDEADLK 45      /* Resource deadlock avoided            */

#define ENOTREADY       46      /* Device not ready             */
#define EWRPROTECT      47      /* Write-protected media        */
#define EFORMAT         48      /* Unformatted media            */

#define ENOLCK          49      /* No locks available           */

#define ENOCONNECT      50      /* no connection                */
#define ESTALE          52      /* no filesystem                */
#define EDIST           53      /* old, currently unused AIX errno*/

/* non-blocking and interrupt i/o */
 * AIX returns EAGAIN where 4.3BSD used EWOULDBLOCK;
 * but, the standards insist on unique errno values for each errno.
 * A unique value is reserved for users that want to code case
 * statements for systems that return either EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK.
#define EWOULDBLOCK     EAGAIN   /* Operation would block       */
#define EWOULDBLOCK     54

#define EINPROGRESS     55      /* Operation now in progress */
#define EALREADY        56      /* Operation already in progress */

/* ipc/network software */
        /* argument errors */
#define ENOTSOCK        57      /* Socket operation on non-socket */
#define EDESTADDRREQ    58      /* Destination address required */
#define EDESTADDREQ     EDESTADDRREQ /* Destination address required */
#define EMSGSIZE        59      /* Message too long */
#define EPROTOTYPE      60      /* Protocol wrong type for socket */
#define ENOPROTOOPT     61      /* Protocol not available */
#define EPROTONOSUPPORT 62      /* Protocol not supported */
#define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 63      /* Socket type not supported */
#define EOPNOTSUPP      64      /* Operation not supported on socket */
#define EPFNOSUPPORT    65      /* Protocol family not supported */
#define EAFNOSUPPORT    66      /* Address family not supported by protocol family */
#define EADDRINUSE      67      /* Address already in use */
#define EADDRNOTAVAIL   68      /* Can't assign requested address */

        /* operational errors */
#define ENETDOWN        69      /* Network is down */
#define ENETUNREACH     70      /* Network is unreachable */
#define ENETRESET       71      /* Network dropped connection on reset */
#define ECONNABORTED    72      /* Software caused connection abort */
#define ECONNRESET      73      /* Connection reset by peer */
#define ENOBUFS         74      /* No buffer space available */
#define EISCONN         75      /* Socket is already connected */
#define ENOTCONN        76      /* Socket is not connected */
#define ESHUTDOWN       77      /* Can't send after socket shutdown */

#define ETIMEDOUT       78      /* Connection timed out */
#define ECONNREFUSED    79      /* Connection refused */

#define EHOSTDOWN       80      /* Host is down */
#define EHOSTUNREACH    81      /* No route to host */

/* ERESTART is used to determine if the system call is restartable */
#define ERESTART        82      /* restart the system call */

/* quotas and limits */
#define EPROCLIM        83      /* Too many processes */
#define EUSERS          84      /* Too many users */
#define ELOOP           85      /* Too many levels of symbolic links      */
#define ENAMETOOLONG    86      /* File name too long                     */

 * AIX returns EEXIST where 4.3BSD used ENOTEMPTY;
 * but, the standards insist on unique errno values for each errno.
 * A unique value is reserved for users that want to code case
 * statements for systems that return either EEXIST or ENOTEMPTY.
#if defined(_ALL_SOURCE) && !defined(_LINUX_SOURCE_COMPAT)
#define ENOTEMPTY       EEXIST  /* Directory not empty */
#else   /* not _ALL_SOURCE */
#define ENOTEMPTY       87
#endif  /* _ALL_SOURCE */

/* disk quotas */
#define EDQUOT          88      /* Disc quota exceeded */

#define ECORRUPT        89      /* Invalid file system control data */

#define ECORRUPT        89      /* Invalid file system control data */

/* errnos 90-92 reserved for future use compatible with AIX PS/2 */

/* network file system */
#define EREMOTE         93      /* Item is not local to host */

/* errnos 94-108 reserved for future use compatible with AIX PS/2 */

#define ENOSYS          109     /* Function not implemented  POSIX */

/* disk device driver */
#define EMEDIA          110     /* media surface error */
#define ESOFT           111     /* I/O completed, but needs relocation */

/* security */
#define ENOATTR         112     /* no attribute found */
#define ESAD            113     /* security authentication denied */
#define ENOTRUST        114     /* not a trusted program */

/* BSD 4.3 RENO */
#define ETOOMANYREFS    115     /* Too many references: can't splice */

#define EILSEQ          116     /* Invalid wide character */
#define ECANCELED       117     /* asynchronous i/o cancelled */

#define ENOSR           118     /* temp out of streams resources */
#define ETIME           119     /* I_STR ioctl timed out */
#define EBADMSG         120     /* wrong message type at stream head */
#define EPROTO          121     /* STREAMS protocol error */
#define ENODATA         122     /* no message ready at stream head */
#define ENOSTR          123     /* fd is not a stream */

#define ECLONEME        ERESTART /* this is the way we clone a stream ... */

#define ENOTSUP         124     /* POSIX threads unsupported value */

#define EMULTIHOP       125     /* multihop is not allowed */
#define ENOLINK         126     /* the link has been severed */
#define EOVERFLOW       127     /* value too large to be stored in data type */