WAS traditional collector Recipe

  1. On the deployment manager node, remote in and ensure you're the user that runs WAS or root.
  2. Change directory to somewhere outside the WAS directory that has a few hundred MB free. For example:
    cd /tmp/
  3. Use an environment variable to increase the heap size of the collector. For example:
    export IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx1g"
  4. Execute collector.sh by specifying the full path to it. For example, replace the path to WebSphere and $PROFILE with the deployment manager profile name:
    /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/$PROFILE/bin/collector.sh > diag_collector.txt 2>&1
  5. Once it completes, quickly review the end of the diag_collector.txt file for any obvious errors running the collector. A healthy collection ends with Return code: 0.
  6. Upload *WASenv.jar and diag_collector.txt

For details, see the collector.sh documentation.