# System and web server information MustGather tool \[If you have not yet downloaded and installed the `ihsdiag` tool, then refer to ['Downloading and installing the diagnostic tools'](install.html) for the steps to do that.\] This `ServerDoc` tool provided with `ihsdiag` gathers information about the operating system and the IBM HTTP Server installation. It can be used in a variety of circumstances, and is intended to replace the traditional list of instructions for manually gathering basic information about the IBM HTTP Server and IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) versions. It will gather the traditional information and more, in order to avoid some requests for additional data. `ServerDoc` automates the work of gathering this information. The user runs `ServerDoc` and provides the IHS installation directory as a parameter; `ServerDoc` creates a new directory to hold the required documentation, and stores the gathered information in that new directory. Once the `ServerDoc` tool has completed, the user should copy any remaining log files and configuration files used by the web server and the plug-in into the new directory along with any data gathered for other MustGather documents which point to this one, and then send a packed copy of that data directory to IBM support. ### Running the tool This tool may be used to gather documentation when there are problems with the `ikeyman`, `gsk5cmd`, or `gsk7cmd` programs. Ensure that PATH and JAVA\_HOME are set to the same values when running this tool as they are when encountering problems with the `ikeyman`, `gsk5cmd`, or `gsk7cmd` programs. On Unix and Linux platforms, run the tool as `root` to avoid any permissions problems with reading files or system information. ServerDoc is passed in two parameters for gathering this information: 1. the task to be performed (i.e. `DescribeConfig`) 2. the pathname of the IHS installation directory (e.g., /usr/HTTPServer) # java -jar ServerDoc.jar DescribeConfig /path/to/IHS The tool creates a new directory which contains a timestamp in the name, and the gathered information will be saved in that directory. #### a sample run on Unix For this example, IHS is installed in `/usr/IHS20422-PQ85834` and ihsdiag was unpacked into directory `/root/ihsdiag-1.4.1`. # cd /tmp # java -jar /root/ihsdiag-1.4.1/ServerDoc.jar DescribeConfig /usr/IHS20422-PQ85834 Web server version: Available IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) version: Available IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) version: Reports, log files, and configuration files have been saved to directory ServerConfig.200505111519 If you have additional log files or configuration files, copy them there before packing up the directory. Web server log and conf files other than the default will have to be copied manually. WebSphere plug-in conf and log files will have to be copied manually. Hint for packing up the directory: tar -cf ServerConfig.200505111519.tar ServerConfig.200505111519 gzip ServerConfig.200505111519.tar # ls -l ServerConfig.200505111519/ total 4680 -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1886 May 11 15:19 US_export_policy.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1613349 May 11 15:19 access_log -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 5389 May 11 15:19 apachectl -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1278 May 11 15:19 error_log -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 544058 May 11 15:19 httpd -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 29345 May 11 15:19 httpd.conf -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 3373 May 11 15:19 ikeyman -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 2360 May 11 15:19 local_policy.jar -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 169317 May 11 15:19 log -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 285 May 11 15:19 report -rwxr-xr-x 1 root system 20 May 11 15:19 showulimit.sh # #### a sample run on Windows For this example, IHS is installed in `D:\HTTPServer` and `ihsdiag` is located in directory `C:\ihsdiag-1.4.14`. *(If you don't have a public Java available on the system, you can use the Java jre installed under the IHS install directory, as shown in this example).* ``` C:\>cd C:\ihsdiag-1.4.14 C:\ihsdiag-1.4.14>java -jar ServerDoc.jar DescribeConfig D:\HTTPServer No public JRE. C:\ihsdiag-1.4.14>D:\HTTPServer\java\jre\bin\java -jar ServerDoc.jar DescribeConfig D:\HTTPServer Web server version: Available local IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) version: (32-bit) Reports, log files, and configuration files have been saved to directory ServerConfig.201101141130 If you have additional log files or configuration files, copy them there before packing up the directory. Web server log and conf files other than the default will have to be copied manually. WebSphere plug-in conf and log files will have to be copied manually. Hint for packing up the directory: zip -r ServerConfig.201101141130.zip ServerConfig.201101141130 (or use any other program to create a .zip) C:\ihsdiag-1.4.14>dir /s ServerConfig.201101141130 Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is F80A-9DAA Directory of C:\ihsdiag-1.4.14\ServerConfig.201101141130 01/14/2011 11:30 AM . 01/14/2011 11:30 AM .. 01/14/2011 11:30 AM files 01/14/2011 11:30 AM 67,331 log 01/14/2011 11:30 AM 341 report 2 File(s) 67,672 bytes Directory of C:\ihsdiag-1.4.14\ServerConfig.201101141130\files 01/14/2011 11:30 AM . 01/14/2011 11:30 AM .. 01/14/2011 11:30 AM HTTPServer 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of C:\ihsdiag-1.4.14\ServerConfig.201101141130\files\HTTPServer 01/14/2011 11:30 AM . 01/14/2011 11:30 AM .. 01/14/2011 11:30 AM bin 01/14/2011 11:30 AM conf 01/14/2011 11:30 AM logs 01/14/2011 10:25 AM 24 version.signature 1 File(s) 24 bytes Directory of C:\ihsdiag-1.4.14\ServerConfig.201101141130\files\HTTPServer\bin 01/14/2011 11:30 AM . 01/14/2011 11:30 AM .. 01/14/2011 10:25 AM 455 ikeyman.bat 1 File(s) 455 bytes Directory of C:\ihsdiag-1.4.14\ServerConfig.201101141130\files\HTTPServer\conf 01/14/2011 11:30 AM . 01/14/2011 11:30 AM .. 01/14/2011 10:22 AM 5,672 admin.conf 01/14/2011 10:25 AM 5,672 admin.conf.default 01/14/2011 10:21 AM 0 admin.passwd 01/14/2011 10:22 AM 30,623 httpd.conf 01/14/2011 10:25 AM 30,623 httpd.conf.default 01/14/2011 10:21 AM 8,336 ldap.prop.sample 01/14/2011 10:22 AM 13,340 magic 01/14/2011 10:21 AM 13,340 magic.default 01/14/2011 10:22 AM 15,612 mime.types 01/14/2011 10:21 AM 15,612 mime.types.default 10 File(s) 138,830 bytes Directory of C:\ihsdiag-1.4.14\ServerConfig.201101141130\files\HTTPServer\logs 01/14/2011 11:30 AM . 01/14/2011 11:30 AM .. 01/14/2011 11:29 AM 1,976 access.log 01/14/2011 11:29 AM 1,573 error.log 2 File(s) 3,549 bytes Total Files Listed: 16 File(s) 210,530 bytes 17 Dir(s) 31,381,282,816 bytes free C:\ihsdiag-1.4.14> ``` ### Gathering additional files (web server and plug-in files + system information) The next step is to copy and save additional web server or plug-in configuration files and logs, and system information into the new `ServerConfig.timestamp` directory. Some of this *may* require first running commands and gathering information specified by other Mustgather documents which point to this one. Here is a list of typical files to copy if they exist: - any IHS configuration file other than `httpd.conf` - any additional web server error or access log files, such as log files specific to each virtual host or log files created by rotatelogs - the WebSphere plug-in configuration file - the WebSphere plug-in log file - (Windows only) Windows system information: - Run '*Start / All Programs / Accessories / System Tools / System Information*' - Highlight the top level item in the tree (`'System Summary'` or `'System Information'`) - If the top level in the tree was `'System Summary'`, then select `'File->Export...'`, else if the top level in the tree was `'System Information'`, then right mouse click and select `'Save as Text File'` - Enter `"system_info"` for the filename - Save to the '`ServerConfig.timestamp`' directory *(It may take a few minutes to save the file)* ![](winsysinfo2.gif) ### Saving the documentation directory The last step is to pack up and compress the `ServerConfig.timestamp` documentation data directory using zip, tar followed by gzip, or tar followed by compress. The easiest way is to cut and paste the portion of the ServerDoc output which showed the commands to use. The suggested commands will vary by platform. On z/OS, for example, compress will be suggested instead of gzip. If you were pointed to these directions by another Mustgather document (i.e. for crashes or hangs) then complete all steps for gathering data in those Mustgather documents before returning here to complete this step of packing the directory. #### a sample run on Unix # tar -cf ServerConfig.200505111519.tar ServerConfig.200505111519 # gzip ServerConfig.200505111519.tar The resulting compressed file is the file to send to IBM support. #### a sample run on Windows C:\ihsdiag-1.4.14>zip -r ServerConfig.201101141130.zip ServerConfig.201101141130 adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/ (stored 0%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/ (stored 0%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/ (stored 0%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/bin/ (stored 0%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/bin/ikeyman.bat (deflated 40%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/conf/ (stored 0%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/conf/admin.conf (deflated 61%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/conf/admin.conf.default (deflated 61%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/conf/admin.passwd (stored 0%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf (deflated 66%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf.default (deflated 66%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/conf/ldap.prop.sample (deflated 66%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/conf/magic (deflated 65%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/conf/magic.default (deflated 65%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/conf/mime.types (deflated 71%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/conf/mime.types.default (deflated 71%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/logs/ (stored 0%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/logs/access.log (deflated 86%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/logs/error.log (deflated 70%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/files/HTTPServer/version.signature (stored 0%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/log (deflated 82%) adding: ServerConfig.201101141130/report (deflated 28%) The resulting `ServerConfig.201101141130.zip` file is the file to send to IBM support.