# Using mod\_rewrite with the WAS Plug-in ## General issues There are 3 important classes of operations one can perform with respect to changing requests and plug-in processing. 1. [Alter a request which *would not* be handled by the plug-in such that it *will* be handled by the plug-in](#CORE2PLUGIN) 2. [Alter a request which *would* be handled by the plug-in such that it *will not* be handled by the plug-in](#PLUGIN2CORE) - [Practical example for providing WAR file contents from IHS filesystem](#HTACCESS) 3. [Alter a request such that the URI passed to the plug-in is transformed](#ALTER) Generally, we discourage wholesale URI alterations that try to hide or change entire context roots as they often become unmanageable and conflict with the operation of the application. However, the general consensus is that offloading is good for performance and throughput. ## Summary - To configure the WAS WebServer Plug-in to defer to Apache for processing of the request in and later, set the Apache environment variable "skipwas" to any value with SetEnv or SetEnvIf. - To configure the WAS WebServer Plug-in to defer to Apache for processing of the request prior to, use mod\_rewrite's \[PT\] flag to avoid context roots of enterprise applications. ## Liberty issues The Liberty web container respects the "fileServingEnabled" flag, but it is not currently a factor in the generated plugin-cfg.xml. When fileServingEnabled=false, the entire context root is forwarded to WebSphere. There are a few ways to compensate for the generated plugin-cfg.xml, in order of preference. - In and later, set the Apache environment variable "skipwas" to any value with SetEnv or SetEnvIf - Use the mod\_rewrite techniques below to rewrite requests out of the context root or change the Host: header. - Modify plugin-cfg.xml manually (difficult to maintain w/ re-generation) ## Other WebSphere Plugin / Apache interactions - [How mod\_dir interacts with the WebSphere Plugin](#MODDIR) - [Where should you place your rewrite rules to have them run before the Plugin?](#CONTEXT) ----- ## Examples In the following examples, the WebSphere plug-in is configured to handle context root /app1/ and URL pattern `*.do`. Note that the RewriteRule directives are kept as simple as possible, but in practice can contain regular expressions and backreferences to alter an entire class of URIs. ### Alter a request which *would not* be handled by the plug-in such that it *will* be handled by the plug-in For some unknown reason, the HTML link to a WebSphere resource doesn't include the `*.jsp` and is not context-root relative, so we need to alter the URI to include so the plug-in will recognize and handle the request.
WebSphere Resource Link in HTML
/app1/SignIn.do /ProjectA/SignIn
The link as written won't be recognized by the WebSphere Plug-in, because it doesn't match any pattern in plugin-cfg.xml. When fileServingEnabled=true in the WAR (or in all cases with Liberty), only the context root is listed in plugin-cfg.xml. With fileServingEnabled=false, individual servlets and URI patterns are added, the simplest of which is \*.jsp. We can add a configuration snippet like the following to either add the extension or prefix with the context root (or both) ``` RewriteEngine on RewriteRule /ProjectA/SignIn /app1/SignIn.jsp [PT] ``` - The *PT* flag is required, as this is what lets the WebSphere plug-in observe the results of the mod\_rewrite processing. - The `Alias` directive isn't effective here, because that only maps a URI to a filename on the IHS system and doesn't change the URI in the request. If it was used, IHS would be trying to find /servlet/members/ProjectA/V3/SignIn.do under the Document Root. ### Alter a request which *would* be handled by the plug-in such that it *will not* be handled by the plug-in With "fileServingEnbabled" set to true, or in any Liberty generated plugin-cfg.xml, all requests matching an applications context root are forwarded to the application server instead of being served locally. Otherwise, individual servlet and extension patterns are forwarded.
Filesystem Resource Link in HTML resource requested by browser
/var/www/myapp-unpacked/.../foo.css foo.css /context-root/foo.css
/var/www/myapp-unpacked/.../example.jsp example.jsp /context-root/example.jsp
This links as written will be recognized by the WebSphere plug-in and passed to WebSphere Application Server, so we add the following directives to the IHS configuration to make sure it's served out of the filesystem. - In and later, set the Apache environment variable "skipwas" to any value with SetEnv or SetEnvIf. ``` # Make /context-root/ work for local files Alias /context-root/ /var/www/myapp-unpacked/ # Allow access to /var/www/myapp-unpacked/ Order deny,allow # Tell the WAS Plugin to defer to Apache SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/context-root/.*\.css skipwas=1 ``` - In earlier levels, or when you want to change the filesystem path that will be used: ``` # Invent a new prefix, /static/ for unpacked content Alias /static /var/www/myapp-unpacked/ # Allo access Alias /static /var/www/myapp-unpacked/ Order deny,allow # remove the context root, hiding it from the WebSphere Plugin RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/context-root/(.*\.(?:css|jpg|gif|js|jpeg)$) /static/$1 [PT] # Example to serve the source code for the example JSP, even though it matches *.jsp even with fileServingEnabled=false RewriteRule ^/context-root/example.jsp /static/example.jsp [PT] ``` The *PT* flag is required, as this is what lets the WebSphere plug-in observe the results of the mod\_rewrite processing. The Alias directive is not effective here, because that only maps a URI to a filename on the IHS system and doesn't change the URI in the request. During request processing, the plug-in will have no interest in the new URI of scooby\_do.jpg. The Redirect directive would be effective here, which is somewhat slower but updates the users browser with the proper UR ### Alter a request such that the URI passed to the plug-in is transformed Many users are receiving 404 errors from typographical errors on the same WebSphere resource, so we provide a mapping between the erroneous name and the actual name.
WebSphere Resource Typo
/servlet/already.do /servlet/allready.do
We change the URI that will be seen by the WebSphere plug-in as follows: ``` RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/servlet/allready.do$ /servlet/already.do [PT] ``` - The *PT* flag is required, as this is what lets the WebSphere plug-in observe the results of the mod\_rewrite processing. - The Alias directive is not effective here, because that only maps a URI to a filename on the IHS system and doesn't change the URI in the request. This would cause the WebSphere plug-in to handle the request but still operate on the original URI. - The Redirect directive would be effective here, which is somewhat slower but updates the users browser with the proper URI ` Redirect /servlet/allready.do /servlet/already.do` ----- ## Practical Example ### Environment In this environment, a App1.war has been deployed to WebSphere with a context root of /app1, but we want to offload some static files under /app1 to IHS. Select static content from the App1.war has been extracted to a directory beneath the IHS DocumentRoot such as /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/htdocs/static/app1 Notes: - A directory outside of the DocumentRoot can be used, but more configuration is required. - Don't extract the entire WAR in the IHS filesystem. It contains JSPs, classes, and other resources that should not be served statically by IHS and likely contain privleged information. The following configuration stanza should be added to the <VirtualHost> that serves /app1, or appended to httpd.conf if virtual hosts are not used: ``` RewriteEngine ON # If the file exists under /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/htdocs/static/, rewrite it RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/static/$1 -d [OR] RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/static/$1 -f RewriteRule (^/app1/.*) /static/$1 [PT,E=skipwas] # Make sure /static/ is not matched to a context root of `*` for another app RewriteRule ^/static/ - [E=skipwas] ``` ## Configuration Issues ### Module Loading/Ordering See this document on [module ordering](enable_mod_rewrite.html) for instructions on how to be sure that mod\_rewrite (or mod\_alias for Redirects) has precedence over the WebSphere Plug-in. ### Using the `RequestHeader` directive to change the Host header The `RequestHeader` can be used to influence the plug-in while it's deciding whether or not to handle the request, by specifying the "early" flag (2.2.x only). Previous versions of this FAQ incorrectly said this doesn't work. It works reliably at least on IHS 7.0 and later, with the big caveat that it cannot be tied to a subset of requests -- it affects the entire virtual host. Don't try to put it in \, or combine it with mod\_rewrite \[E= or SetEnvIf, the timing does not work. You must use the "early" flag. ### Forcing the WAS Plugin to decline a request In and later, you can set the "skipwas" variable with SetEnvIf to force the plugin to decline to handle a request. ### Using .htaccess files to change requests that would be handled by the plugin .htaccess files are only processed by IHS after a request has been mapped to a local file, therefore .htaccess files cannot be the mechanism used to prevent the plug-in from handling a URL. ### Combining mod\_rewrite flags In some more complicated configurations, multiple mod\_rewrite rules may potentially operate on the same incoming URL. In addition to the PassThrough flag (PT), the Last (L) flag is often used to end rewriting with the current rule. Flags are combined by separating them with commas as in the following: ``` # Transparently rewrite anything matching *.do under /servlet/app1 and stop rewrite processing (L=Last flag) RewriteRule /servlet/app1/(.*\.do) /servlet/$1.jsp [PT,L] RewriteRule ... ``` ### Hide a context root If your app is deployed to /ourapp, and you only host 1 application, and you want to hide /ourapp from the browser completely, you can add the /ourapp prefix to each request internally. ``` RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(?!/ourapp)(.*) /ourapp$1 [PT] ``` ### Using mod\_dir with the websphere plugin It's not possible to use mod\_dir to to map e.g. / to /index.jsp because of checking done by mod\_dir when querying the `DirectoryIndex` filenames through an internal subrequest. ### Where should you place your rewrite rules to have them run before the Plugin? If you want your mod\_rewrite directives, and they overlap with a resource the Plugin is responsible for, then these rewrite rules should be in \ context. They should not be in \ context nor in .htaccess files. This is a requirement because the WebSphere Plugin acts in a phase of Apache Processing that maps the request outside of the filesystem, and rewrite rules in these latter contexts would simply be not applicable. In practice, this is not a troublesome limitation, because it agrees with best practice for mod\_rewrite. ### General rewrite gotchas See [rewrite.html](rewrite.html) for some more esotric concerns with using mod\_rewrite. ## Historical Issues ### 2.0 Alias directive causes plug-in to decline handling request In WebSphere Plug-in versions prior to /, the existence of an Alias for a URI would disable plug-in processing regardless of whether or not the result of the Alias matched or did not match a pattern in plugin-cfg.xml. There may be some configurations which exploit this behavior to serve things such as images out of the filesystem instead of from WebSphere using an Alias directive -- upgraders will find they must replace this Alias directive with an equivalent RewriteRule directive. Incorrect: Alias /servlet/images/ /images/ Correct : RewriteRule /servlet/images/(.*) /images/$1 [PT] ### 1.3 Plugin crashes if mod\_alias has higher priority than plug-in Between versions 5.1.1 and (inclusive) of the WebSphere plug-in for IHS 1.3, a crash can be encountered if mod\_alias is higher priority than the plug-in and an Alias directive operates on a URI that will be handled by the plug-in. ### Apache 2.0: Leading double-slash ("//") does not match /\* context root The WAS plugin does not match /\* to // which may be exploited in Apache 2.0 / IHS 6.1 and earlier to cause a request to be skipped by the WAS Plug-in. In Apache 2.2 / IHS 7.0 and later, a leading sequence of slashes in a URL is collapsed to a single slash, so it is not possible to send a URL down to the Plugin and retain a leading "//". -----