Disabling the corresponding server

Before you can manage a certificate on IMM, you must disable the HTTPS server, the Lenovo Systems Director, and the SSL Client Configuration for the LDAP client.

  1. Before using HTTPS Server Certificate Management, disable the HTTPS server:
    1. On a command line, check to see if the IMM HTTPS server configuration for the web server is disabled. Enter the command:asu show IMM.SSL_Server_Enable .
      The following output is displayed: IMM.SSL_Server_Enable=Disabled.
    2. If the server is enabled, disable the IMM HTTPS server configuration for the web server by using the command: asu set IMM.SSL_Server_Enable Disabled.
      The following output is displayed: IMM.SSL_Server_Enable=Disabled.
    3. Restart the IMM to enforce the change (either enable or disable) by entering the asu rebootimm command.
  2. Before using Lenovo Systems Director over HTTPS Certificate Management, disable the director over the HTTPS server:
    1. On a command line, enter the asu show IMM. CIMXMLOverHTTPS_Enable command to see if the Lenovo Systems Director Over HTTPS is disabled.
      The following output is displayed: IMM.CIMXMLOverHTTPS_Enable=Disabled.
    2. If the server is enabled, disable Lenovo Systems Director Over HTTPS by using the asu set IMM.CIMXMLOverHTTPS_Enable Disabled command.
      The following output is displayed: IMM.CIMXMLOverHTTPS_Enable=Disabled.
    3. Restart the IMM to enforce the change (either enable or disable) by entering the asu rebootimm command.
  3. Before using SSL Client Certificate Management, disable the SSL Client Configuration for the LDAP client:
    1. On a command line, check to see if the SSL Client Configuration for LDAP client is disabled by entering the asu show IMM.SSL_Client_Enable command.
      The following output is displayed: IMM.IMM.SSL_Client_Enable=Disabled.
    2. If the server is enabled, disable the IMM SSL Client Configuration for LDAP by using the asu set IMM.SSL_Client_Enable Disabled command.
      The following output is displayed: IMM.SSL_Client_Enable=Disabled.