Features on Demand (FoD) configuration

This topic describes Features on Demand configuration (fodcfg) management, which is supported by the ASU.

Fodcfg is used to acquire, install, uninstall, report, and export activation keys from the key repository. Fodcfg supports the hardware devices as key repositories:

For different devices, fodcfg supports three different interfaces: IPMI, CIM, and SNMP. The following table shows the supported devices and interfaces. The checkmark means that the device supports the interface. The term "IPMI interface" here means IPMI through LAN or LAN over USB. KCS is the IPMI interface using local Keyboard Controller Style (KCS).

Table 1. Supported devices and interfaces

Command syntax

asu fodcfg <command> [options] [command options] [device&interface] [connection options]


Table 2. Commands
Command Description
acquirekey Acquire and download the activation key from the Lenovo website.
installkey Install activation keys from the user-specified location to the key repository.
uninstallkey Uninstall activation keys from the device.
reportkey Inventory information of a specified key repository.
exportkey Export activation keys from a specific key store.
replacekey Replace activation key or keys from the original unique identifier with a new key or keys.
getsysinfo Get FoD supported system and feature information from the Lenovo website.
Table 3. Options
Option Description
--help Display help for this command in the console window and exit. This command is the same as running with no parameters.
--disable-imm-lan Disable the USB LAN interface on an IMM system.
[command options]:

Acquirekey command

--kmsid <userid:pwd> Lenovo ID credential for the interactive Lenovo web site.
--auth <code> Lenovo authorization code.
-u <unique id> Unique identifier information.
-m <MT/DC> For the system/option feature, specify the system machine type (MT) here. For the IOM switch, specify device code (DC).
-d <dir> Download the key file to the <dir> location.
-r Install the downloaded activation key.
--installin <MT+SN> System MT and serial number (SN) in which the key is installed
--all Acquire the key for the specified machine and install it in the specified machine. All keys tied to the server are searched.
--proxy <proxy-info> Set proxy information, for example: user:password@host:port
Installkey command N/A
-f <keyfilename|dir> A single activation key file. Fodcfg installs a single activation key file.
Uninstallkey command N/A
--keyid <keyid> Activation key ID is returned from the report command. If keyid is "all," then all keys are uninstalled.
Note: Some devices must follow rules to install and uninstall activation keys; --keyid all might not work correctly. Uninstall the key of upgrade 2 and then the key of upgrade 1. See device documents for the key management operation rules.
Reportkey command N/A
None Report activation key or keys from IMM, AMM, CMM, and Switch.

In IMM and CMM, the output format is No, Key ID, Status, Description, User Reminding, Expired Date.

For AMM and Switch, the output format is No, Key ID, Status, Description.

Exportkey command N/A
--keyid <keyid> Activation key ID is returned from the report command. If keyid is "all", then all keys are exported.
-d <dir> Download the key file to the <dir> location. The default value is the current folder.
Replacekey command N/A
--kmsid <userid:pwd> Lenovo ID credential for interactive Lenovo website.
--olduid <unique id> Old unique identifier information.
-u <unique id> Replace existing unique identifier with a new one.
-d <dir> Download the key file to the <dir> location. The default value is the current folder.
--installin <MT+SN> System machine type (MT) and SN, which the key is installed in.
--featurecode <featurecode> Feature code.
--proxy <proxy-info> Set proxy information, for example: user:password@host:port
Getsysinfo command N/A
--kmsid<userid:pwd> Lenovo ID credential for interactive Lenovo website.
--proxy<proxy-info> Set proxy information, for example: user:password@host:port
-f <dir> Download the information file to the <dir> location. The default value is the current folder.
--device <device> Support device: IMM, CMM, Switch.
--interface <interface> Support interface: IPMI, KCS, CIM, SNMP.
Note: If a device is specified, the default interface value is all supported interfaces by the device. If an interface is specified, the default device value is the device that supports this interface. If neither are specified, the default device is IMM.
[connection options]:
--host <IP> Remote key repository. The default is the local IMM device.
--user <userid> Key repository credential user name.
--password <password> Password of the key repository.
--cimhttp Use HTTP for the CIM interface.
--port <port> Port for the CIM interface. The default is 5989.
--sftp <IP:port> SFTP server for the SNMP interface.
--tftp <IP:port> TFTP server for the SNMP interface.
--ftpid <user:password> FTP credential ID for the SNMP interface.
--community <community> Community for snmpv1v2. The default is public.
--authproto <MD5/SHA> Authorization protocol for snmpv3. The default is no auth.
--privproto <DES/AES> Privacy protocol for snmpv3. The default is No privacy.
--privpasswd <password> Privacy password. The default is None.

Command sample

asu.exe fodcfg installkey -f .\Lenovo_fod_7870abcdefg_anyos.key --host
--user USERID --password PASSW0RD
Using the address, install the activation key ibm_fod_7870abcdefg_anyos.key on the default device IMM. If you do not provide the --host parameter, ASU will try to install the activation key on the local IMM.
asu.exe fodcfg uninstallkey --keyid b2e61a48881917af --host
 --user USERID --password PASSW0RD --device cmm --interface cim
Using the address through the CIM interface, uninstall the activation key b2e61a48881917af in CMM.
asu64.exe fodcfg uninstallkey --keyid all --device switch --interface snmp
 --host --sftp --ftpid 1234:1234 --community private

Using the address through the SNMP interface, uninstall all the activation keys in the switch.

asu.exe fodcfg reportkey --device imm --interface cim --host
--user USERID --password PASSW0RD
Using the address through the CIM interface, report all the activation keys in the IMM.
asu.exe fodcfg exportkey --keyid all -d ./fodkey --device imm
 --interface ipmi --host --user USERID --password PASSW0RD
Using the address through the IPMI interface, export all the activation keys in the IMM to file folder ./fodkey.
Note: The ASU fodcfg application needs an extra tftp/sftp server to run on switches using the SNMP interface. Make sure that you have both write and read access for the tftp/sftp server. The ASU fodcfg application supports both snmp v1v2 and snmp v3. Make sure that the switch is properly configured and that you have the authority to perform operations on the switch.