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Import model files into WebSphere Integration Developer

Now you will import the exported file (from WebSphere® Business Modeler) into WebSphere Integration Developer.

  1. Start WebSphere Integration Developer Version 6.1. The Workspace Launcher opens.
    Workspace Launcher
  2. Create a new workspace for this sample. For example, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\IBM\wid6.1\ClipsAndTacks.
    Note: Do not select Use this as the default and do not ask again so that you will be prompted for a workspace location each time you open the application.
  3. Click OK. WebSphere Integration Developer opens. If the Welcome page is displayed, close it before proceeding.
  4. Import ClipsAndTacksF1.zip by selecting File > Import. You can use the ClipsAndTacksF1.zip file you have created with the previous tasks, or you can use the ClipsAndTacksF1.zip that is provided with this sample.
    File menu
    The Import wizard opens.
  5. Select Other > Project Interchange and click Next.
    Import wizard selection
  6. From the Import Project Interchange Contents page, click Browse and select the ClipsAndTacksF1.zip exported from WebSphere Business Modeler.
    Import Project Interchange Contents page
  7. Select ClipsAndTacksF1 and click Finish.
WebSphere Integration Developer should be displaying the Business Integration perspective:
Business Integration perspective indicator

To change to the Business Integration perspective, click the Open Perspective icon Open Perspective icon and choose Business Integration.

Before continuing, wait for Building Workspace to complete. (The status is located in the bottom right-hand corner of the workspace.)

Note: The ClipsAndTacksF1 project will have some errors at this stage of the sample.
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