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Build OrderHandling (Future1) process

  1. If the OrderHandling (Future1) process is not open already, expand ClipsAndTacksF1 > Processes and double-click OrderHandling (Future1) to open it.
    ClipsAndTacksF1 navigation tree
  2. Right-click the start node Start node on the canvas and delete it.
  3. Right-click the stop node Stop node on the canvas and delete it. You might have to scroll to the right and down to see the stop node. From the palette, you can reduce the size of the canvas by using the Reduce width icon icon to reduce the width and the Reduce width icon icon to reduce the height.
  4. On the palette, click the Local Business Rules task icon Local Business Rules task icon and then click the canvas. Rename the local business rules task to Check Order Handling Policy for Automatic Approval. You can resize the task to fully display the text if you wish. As you add new elements, make sure that you add them to the right of the previously added item. A figure with all the elements in the process is included in the Connect (wire) the task section.
    Check Order Handling Policy for Automatic Approval business task
  5. Click the Create simple decision icon Create simple decision icon and then click the canvas. Rename the simple decision to Approve Without Review?
  6. Click the Create local task icon Create local task icon and then click the canvas. Rename the local task to Check Customer Account Status.
    Check Customer Account Status task
  7. Click the Create simple decision icon Create simple decision icon and then click the canvas to the right of the Check Customer Account Status task. Rename the simple decision to Account in Good Standing?
  8. Click the Create Merge icon Create Merge icon and then click the canvas.
    Merge menu

    If you do not see the Create Merge icon in the palette, click the top left of the Create Join icon Create Join icon in the palette to expand its options. Place the merge elements on the canvas from left to right as you define them to align with other steps later in this sample.

    Note: Do not delete a merge element. WebSphere® Business Modeler generates names for the merge elements relative to when the merge element is added to the canvas. In the monitoring design phase, these names are used to create the monitoring model. Also, you can move the merge elements but do not change the relative left-to-right position of two merges elements.
    OrderHandling canvas
  9. Click the Create local human task icon Create local human task icon and then click the canvas. Rename the local human task to Review Order.
    Review Order task
  10. Right-click the Review Order task, select Associate Form. Click Browse and select Order from the ClipsAndTacksF1 project. Then click OK.
    Select Form window
  11. Leave the default. Use the input form as the output form selected and click OK.
    Associate Form window
  12. Add a simple decision called Acceptable Credit Risk? to the canvas on the right side of the previous item.
  13. Add a Create Merge item to the canvas to the right of Acceptable Credit Risk?
  14. Add a local human task called Ship Order to Customer to the canvas. Associate the Order form with the Ship Order to Customer human task in the same way as you did for the Review Order human task.
  15. Add a local task called Update Order Database to the canvas.
  16. Ad a local task called Cancel Order and Send Notification to the canvas.
  17. Add a Stop node by clicking the Create Stop icon Create Stop icon on the palette and then clicking the canvas. (If you do not see the Create Stop icon, then click the top left of Create Start to expand the options.)
  18. Add a second Stop node.
    Update Order Database task and stop nodes
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