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Test the Clips and Tacks Order Handling business process

After deploying the application, test the process.

  1. In an internet browser, enter the URL http://localhost:9080/ClipsAndTacksUI. The port number, 9080 in this tutorial, depends on the number of server profiles that are created on your system. Your port number might be different. If 9080 doesn’t work, open the SystemOut.log from C:\Program Files\IBM\WID61\pf\WBMonSrv_wps\logs\server1 and search for default_host. The port number next to default_host is the port number you need to use. It is typical for 9080 to the be the first port number used; then the port numbers increment by 1 for each additional server profile.
  2. Enter admin as user ID and admin as the password; then click Login. (If you used a different user ID and password combination during the installation, then you need to use that user ID and password here and throughout this tutorial wherever the user ID admin is used.)

    Logon to Business User Client

    The following image shows the generated client interface.

    Business User Client

  3. Under Business Case, click New and then select OrderHandlingFuture1_InputCriterion. The Order Lotus® form is displayed.
    • For this scenario, when you enter the data, the TotalPrice should be greater than $750.00 to force the process to flow to the Review task. You may copy the data elements as they are in the image below.
    • Do not enter text below the red text that reads Below this line is for Clips and Tacks office use only.
    • You can add a new row to the ordered products table by clicking the + sign; similarly, you can delete a row by clicking the – sign. You can order multiple items, but ensure there is only one item per row.
    • When you have completed the form, click Create at the top of the form to create a running instance of the process.

    Create a business process instance

  4. Under My ToDo’s, click Open. The process instance is waiting for the ReviewOrder task to approve the order as shown in the following figure (see the note following the figure if you do not see the task)

    My to Do's

    Note: If you do not see the task in the ToDo list, check the Console tab in WebSphere® Integration Developer to see if there is a NullPointerException in the execution of the CreditRating.java file. If so, this is due to an infrequently occurring bug in WebSphere Integration Developer. The easiest way to recover is to start over with a new WebSphere Integration Developer workspace. Below is the recovery procedure:
    1. Close the browser window showing the ToDo list.
    2. In WebSphere Integration Developer, select the Servers tab.
    3. Right mouse on WebSphere Business Monitor Server v6.1 on WebSphere Process Server and click Add and Remove Projects.
    4. Remove ClipsAndTacksF1App and ClipsAndTacksUIEAR from the server.
    5. Right mouse on WebSphere Business Monitor Server v6.1 on WebSphere process Server and click Stop
    6. Exit WebSphere Integration Developer, but before exiting, write down the workspace path displayed in the WebSphere Integration Developer title bar.
    7. Using Windows® File Explorer, delete the workspace you noted above.
    8. Restart WebSphere Integration Developer with a new workspace. You may reuse the directory name used previously, but you must first have deleted it from the file systems so that WebSphere Integration Developer creates the workspace anew.
    9. Repeat the Build It Yourself steps above starting with the import into WebSphere Integration Developer.
  5. Click the waiting task and then under the form click Claim to work on the task.

    My to Do's claim

  6. At the bottom of the form, select the Order Status drop-down list and select APPROVED. Complete this human task by clicking Complete (located at the top left corner of the form).
    Note: Save does not complete the human task, but saves the task so that you can return to it. Click Complete so that the process will continue to the next task.
  7. Click Refresh in the client (not the browser Refresh). Now the process is waiting for someone to claim and work on the ShipOrdertoCustomer human task.

    My To Do's Refresh

  8. Click the waiting task and then click on Claim to work on it.
  9. Enter a Packaging Slip number and click Complete to complete the business process.

    My To Do's Complete

You have just executed one process instance of the Clips and Tacks OrderHandling (Future1) business process. Because the total price of the order was more than $750.00 and the available credit was less than the total price, the order went to the ReviewOrder human task (either of the conditions would have sent it to review). The ReviewOrder human task approved the order and it went to the ShipOrdertoCustomer human task. The ShipOrdertoCustomer human task gave a packaging slip number and sent the order to the customer.

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