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Creating and Using Extended Data Types in Dynamic Server

In This Chapter
Informix Data Types
Fundamental or Atomic Data Types
Predefined Data Types
BLOB and CLOB Data Types
Other Predefined Data Types
Extended Data Types
Complex Data Types
User-Defined Data Types
Distinct Data Types
Opaque Data Types
DataBlade Data Types
Smart Large Objects
BLOB Data Type
CLOB Data type
Using Smart Large Objects
Copying Smart Large Objects
Complex Data Types
Collection Data Types
Null Values in Collections
Using SET Collection Types
Using MULTISET Collection Types
Using LIST Collection Types
Nesting Collection Types
Adding a Collection Type to an Existing Table
Restrictions on Collections
Named Row Types
When to Use a Named Row Type
Choosing a Name for a Named Row Type
Restrictions on Named Row Types
Using a Named Row Type to Create a Typed Table
Changing the Type of a Table
Using a Named Row Type to Create a Column
Using a Named Row Type Within Another Row Type
Dropping Named Row Types
Unnamed Row Types
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