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Setting Storage-Manager Parameters for ON-Bar

Extended Parallel Server allows you to define multiple storage-manager instances, but only one instance per node. You can configure and use different storage-manager brands for different purposes. (ON-Bar works with a storage manager to back up and restore data.)

The parameters that describe each storage manager are in the storage-manager section of the ONCONFIG file. Each storage-manager section begins with the BAR_SM parameter and ends with the END parameter. The BAR_SM parameter cannot be embedded in the coserver-specific section or nested.

If you define one storage manager on Extended Parallel Server, specify the storage-manager number in the BAR_SM parameter and specify the coservers where you want to run ON-Bar processes in the BAR_WORKER_COSVR parameter.

If you define multiple storage managers, you need to set the storage-manager parameters for each node.

However, you can specify certain storage-manager parameters in the global section of the ONCONFIG file if you want to use the same values for all storage-manager instances.

The following table shows the storage-manager specific parameters for ON-Bar. For more information, refer to the IBM Informix: Backup and Restore Guide.

Description Can be storage-manager specific Always storage-manager specific
BAR_DBS_COSVR Specifies coservers that send backup and restore data to the storage manager. X
BAR_IDLE_TIMEOUT Specifies the maximum number of minutes that an onbar-worker process is idle before it is shut down. X
BAR_LOG_COSVR Specifies coservers that send log backup data to the storage manager. X
BAR_SM Specifies the storage-manager number. X
BAR_SM_NAME Specifies the storage-manager name. X
BAR_WORKER_COSVR Lists the coservers that can access the storage manager. X
BAR_WORKER_MAX Specifies the maximum number of onbar-worker processes started for a storage manager. X
LOG_BACKUP_MODE Specifies whether to use manual or continuous logical-log backups or to turn off logical-log backups. Set this parameter in the ONCONFIG file. X

Figure 7 shows an excerpt of the storage-manager section in a sample ONCONFIG file for two storage managers, ABEL and BAKER. This configuration starts ON-Bar processes on coservers 1, 2, and 3. Coservers 1 and 2 are on the same node. Coserver 3 is on a different node. You can optionally override global configuration parameters with the storage-manager specific configuration parameters.

Figure 7. Storage-Manager Specific Section of an ONCONFIG File
# storage manager ABEL
BAR_SM   1

# storage manager BAKER
BAR_SM   2
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