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Using a Shared-Memory Connection

Figure 16 shows a shared-memory connection on the computer named river.

Figure 16. A Shared-Memory Connection
begin figure description - This figure is described in the surrounding text. - end figure description

The ONCONFIG configuration file for this installation includes the following line:


A correct entry for the sqlhosts file is as follows.

dbservername nettype hostname servicename
river_shm onipcshm river rivershm

The client application connects to this database server using the following statement:

CONNECT TO '@river_shm'

Because this is a shared-memory connection, no entries in network configuration files are required. For a shared-memory connection, you can choose arbitrary values for the hostname and servicename fields of the sqlhosts file .

For more information about shared-memory connections, refer to How a Client Attaches to the Communications Portion.

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